Mystery Blueberry Lover

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The Mystery Blueberry Lover is a mysterious creature that lives in the cave leading towards the Night Sky Temple. This creature loves anything blueberry, including blueberries blueberries and blueberry pie blueberry pie and has been suspected of eating any nearby.

Currently, the Mystery Blueberry Lover has yet to be spotted, thus no description of its appearance has been made.



Letter from Auni

Dear (Player),
So I don't know if you've been over there, but the other day I placed a blueberry over by the old Nightsky Temple. And...what do you know? It disappeared. Like vanished out of thin air!

I think there's something over there eating blueberries...and I don't think it's a chapaa.

Auni Profile.png Auni


 «  Auni  » 
Did you know there's this cave near my house that makes blueberries disappear?
It's true, leave them there and they're like magically gone.
I keep trying to see what kind of critter is eating them, but I can't find it.
I think it might be a ghost.



