A Century in the Making - Part 2

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A Century in the Making - Part 2 is a Found Item Quest obtained by picking up Another Mysterious Package Another Mysterious Package from a dirt pile in Bahari Bay.


You have found another unmarked package in another tempting pile of dirt. This one, at least, doesn't smell like a chapaa's nightmare. Better see what's inside!


Part 1

Part 2

You swear you've seen something like this before, maybe in your nightmares. There's only one person this could belong to.

Part 3

Reth's asked for a bit of time to figure the century egg recipe out. He says he'll mail you when he's got it.


At Quest Completion


  1. Location of quest starter: A pile of dirt beside the geyser under The Old Lighthouse bridge.
  2. Upon looting it, the player receives the quest item Another Mysterious Package Another Mysterious Package, with the following text:
    • Another tempting pile of dirt? Why, don't mind if you do! After digging through the mud, you uncover a wrapped box.
  3. Again, the box has to be opened to progress the quest.
  4. Open the package to get the mysterious, egg-shaped object.
  5. Bring the egg to Reth, then wait for his mail the next day.

Dialogue and Mail

Upon speaking with Reth

This has to be yours.
Batch no. 209! I knew I should have written down where I buried that one.
Do you smell that, Player?

All I smell is soup.
Sorry, that's me. But you DON'T smell rotten eggs, right?

That's what I'm saying! It's not rotten!

Which recipe did I use for this one? One sec, lemme check my notes...
Clay and rice cover, little bit of lye... buried near the geyser.
That's it! HA, take that, Egg Palace! Your secrets are revealed!
Thanks for finding this, Player. Give me a bit to figure out the details and I'll give you that sample I promised.

Letter from Reth

Dear Player,
Figured out how I wanted to prepare these bad boys, and thought you'd be the perfect person to try them! If you ever crave any more, just drop by my bar and I'll make sure I keep them in stock.

But don't worry, first taste is free.

Reth Profile.png Reth


Location of Dirt Pile

Update History

Build 0.165:

  • Introduced.