An Adventurous Memoir

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An Adventurous Memoir is a Friendship Quest given by Sifuu upon reaching Friendship Level 2: Good Business.


Sifuu wrote a memoir, and wants you to tell her how awesome it is! Pick up her book from her house and give it a read.


Part 1

↷ Return to Sifuu

Part 2

Wait for an update on Sifuu’s book.

Part 3

Caleri doesn't want to stock Sifuu's book in the library. Help Sifuu edit her memoir by asking the villagers what they think makes a good book.

  • 0/3 Ask villagers what makes a good book.
↷ Return to Sifuu


At Quest Completion


  1. Sifuu declares that she is ready to tell the world her story and she wants you to read it.
  2. Go to her house and Read the book on the table in the front room.
  3. Return to Sifuu to tell her what you think of her book.
  4. She then takes her book to Caleri, the Librarian, for a second opinion.
  5. Wait to hear back from Sifuu about Caleri's opinion on the book.
  6. Sifuu’s update comes in the mail. Caleri gave her strong constructive criticism.
  7. Sifuu now wants to know what other people think makes a good book. Ask three villagers and then return to Sifuu with the survey results. She's confident her story has all of the elements people want, which motivates her to get started on writing a second draft.
    • It is possible to keep asking more villagers about books even after the objective is complete, but before you return to Sifuu.

Dialogue and Mail


Upon speaking to Sifuu

(Player), just the person I was hoping to see.

I'm honored.
You should be, I'm a notoriously hard gal to impress.

Because, as it turns out I’ve got a special mission for you.

I'll just cut to the chase.
I've decided that the world needs to hear about my great adventures.
So I wrote a memoir to share my stories with the world.
Would you mind taking a look?

I'd be happy to.
Good, the book is on the table in my house.

Only if you can handle harsh feedback.
I can handle anything! The book is on a table in my house.

You mind going and reading it? I kind of have my hands full at the moment.


Reading the memoir

  • Note: There are a few typos in the story. They are intentional.
Memoir Pages
 «  A Life of Grand Adventure  » 

...And there I was in the dense rains of the Dari Rainforest. I heard the scream of a helpless woman before I saw it approach, the beast I had been chasing all along. It was non other than the notorious Gorgon-Ape.
 ‹  1 / 5  › 

As the monster approached,I took out my slingshot with hand, and my cross bow with my other rippling arm. I shot it right in the eye, but also in the gut. It’s blood ran through the forest a deep scarlet river of blood.

 ‹  2 / 5  › 

After the beast was down, I ran to the source of the scream. It was a beautiful huntress, bond and gagged by the Gorgon-Ape. Her shirt was very wet since it was raining and she was breathing heavily since she was tied up.

 ‹  3 / 5  › 

Once I freed the woman, she told me her name was Taylin and that she too had been chasing the beast for over forty days and then got captured and that the beast tied her up and through her in it’s lair. Only I was triumphant.

 ‹  4 / 5  › 

After I freed the huntress, she invited me to share a meal with her and stay the night at her tent. I accepted, but I didn’t get a wink of sleep...

 ‹  5 / 5  › 

Upon returning to Sifuu

I read your book.
And what did you think?

It could use some work.
Hrumph! You clearly have no taste. I'm takin' this thing to Caleri. SHE knows about books.

I'd stick to blacksmithing.
Hrumph! You clearly have no taste. I'm takin' this thing to Caleri. SHE knows about books.

It's awesome!
I knew it! I'm gonna take it to Caleri! She has a connection with a publisher in Bahari
I just wanted to know it was good before I sent it out.

Letter from Sifuu

Dear (Player),
So you were right... Caleri had some choice words to say about my book. Including the fact that Gorgon-Apes are apparently extinct. I told her that maybe I was the one who extinct them, and she just gave me this look that made me want to shut up. So I was wondering if maybe, you could help me figure out how to make this better.

Could you ask around and see what people think would make a good book? I’d like to give this another shot. After all, I’m too tough to let one failure defeat me.

Sifuu Profile.png Sifuu

Upon asking villagers about books

What makes a good book?

Oh man, I love reading, but only when the book has a good adventure set in a far off place.
Who wants to read about boring people just hanging out at home? I'll tell you who, my mom.
She only reads mysteries set in small villages.

In my eye, the best books are those that you learn something from.
If you’ve reached the last page of a book and haven’t gleaned any new insight from it, did you actually read at all?

Twists and turns, of course!
Even better if the characters end up catchin' feelings for one another! Makes for an exciting story, don'cha think?

That’s easy. It’s all about the style. Only the greatest wizard of words can get my attention!

Personally, I like if I learned something from reading, whether it’s a new theory or just a new point of view.
I just love how books can expand my view of the world we live in.

I can’t get into something if there’s not any action. I mean, come on, who wants to read something with NO blood.

Um, I guess ones that make you feel something?
Sorry, that’s all I’ve got...

For me, I can only follow a book if there are good relationships.
In particular I’m a sucker for romance, but I like stories about friends and family too.


Upon returning to Sifuu

(Tell Sifuu about survey)
With that I already have the perfect book!
There's action, romance, violence, an exotic setting and the style can't be beat! Not to mention the story's full of heart and soul!
Huh. Where did I go wrong?

Maybe a grammar pass.
Grammar! Only nerds care about grammar. But of course nerds read books...

Maybe focus more on the character connection...
You want to know about how me and Taylin connected. Well, that feels a little too dirty for the local library.
Oh, you meant emotionally...okay, I got it.

Maybe remove the phrase "rippling arm".
Oh c'mon... that's my favorite part!.

I can see where you're coming from. I'll try another draft and see how it goes.


Sifuu's Letter During An Adventurous Memoir.png


Update History

Build 0.165:

  • Introduction.