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The Elderwoods is a location mentioned by various Villagers as being north of Kilima Valley, and rumored to harbor a mythical or magical Flow beast. This location has not yet been implemented into Palia, and cannot be traveled to.


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Mentioned in Dialogue

 «  Eshe  » 
If you look into the distance, you can see the glow of Bahari City to the northeast and Harvest Meadows to the south.
Straight north is one of the most ancient sites in the region... the Elderwoods.
The Elderwoods?
You may have heard a few things about it by now. Namely, rumors of a creature that stalks the woods.
Poppycock, if you ask me!
 «  Hekla  » 
Be careful when travelling to the Elderwood.
There is a creature made of a substance that is like Flow, but is not Flow in these woods.
I do not yet know what to make of it.
 «  Jina  » 
It’s hard to say if the myths of a creature in the Elderwoods have any validity.
Do I believe that things exist out there that we don’t understand? Yes, I do.
Do I also believe that people tend to exaggerate the danger of what they don’t understand? Yes, I do.
 «  Kenyatta  » 
I hope one of these nights I spot the beast of the Elderwoods.
I know we’re not in the Elderwoods, but beasts have legs too!
 «  Sifuu  » 
It's hard to focus on work today.
I heard there was some beastie running around the Elderwood.
Makes me wonder if I should come out of retirement... just in case...