Casual Dialogue with Kenyatta

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This page consists of written daily dialogue lines for Kenyatta.


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People think I’m lucky because my parents are rich.
I mean, I am. But it’s not all sunshine and briar daisies, you know?
Money comes with expectations. And my mom comes with even MORE.

It's been so hard to find spice sprouts lately! I don't know if someone's hoarding them or what.
Nobody needs to be that spicy, seriously.

It’s nice being outside, y’know?
Sometimes I forget how interesting the world is. Like, I’m pretty sure I saw a gnarly looking beetle over there!

I was up late taking a long walk last night.
Hopefully my mom doesn’t see me sneak back in through the window.
Actually, scratch that. Hopefully she does, and it mortifies her.

Sun feels so nice today.
Legends say that back in the time of Humans the air was so full of smoke you couldn’t even see the sun.
Seems kind of messed up. Like, if you aren’t going to take care of your stuff, you probably shouldn’t have it.

Things have picked up a bit here now that you Humans are out and about. Work is still about as interesting as watching grass grow.

I’ve been having Auni sneak me a series of scandalous true crime newsletters in the mail.
Did you know there’s a killer loose in the Capital?
Ten noblewomen of my age and height have gone missing so far.

Kenyatta asks The Player Questions

What are you up to today?

Just running some errands.
Ugh, that's so... responsible.

Causing some trouble for Eshe.
Oh, cool! We're doing the same thing today!

Going to visit friends!
Ugh. Fine, go talk to someone else. Not like I care or anything.

I'm off to Bahari Bay.
Guess you're making up for all that time you were... well wherever you Humans were all these years.

So, what kinda books are you into?

Oh, if you like romance novels you should talk to Nai'o. Those are his favorites too.

Same. Like, if there aren't at least five fight scenes, what's the point?

Science Fiction.

I'm allergic to reading.
I don't blame you, most of this crap's useless. But, y'know, sometimes it can be worth it.

Follow up

Found the perfect adventure novel just for you over on the shelves.
It's called "The Journey of the Silver Sernuk." It’s one of my favorites.

Still trying to figure out what you meant by science fiction.
Like, is it something that's true, but also fake? Seems kinda pointless.

Specific Time

In the Morning

I know I have to go work soon, but I just need a couple more hours of rest. Wake me up a little later, will ya?

Chayne says you should start each day with an affirmation. I'm still not really sure what he means.
What's your affirmation?

In the evening

I hope one of these nights I spot the beast of the Elderwoods.
I know we’re not in the Elderwoods, but beasts have legs too!

Specific Location

At City Hall

Sure, we can talk.
I’m so bored I could literally have a conversation about paint drying and it would seem thrilling.
I mean, seriously, have you noticed sometimes paint looks a totally different color when it’s dry than when it’s wet?
Yep... pretty fascinating stuff...

My mom’s making me work here, so I can prepare for a career in governance.
I think I’d rather pry out my own eyeballs and feed them to a Gillyfin than wind up like her.

If you’re looking for my dad, he’s in his office in the back. If you’re looking for my mom, can I ask you why?
‘Cause I would highly recommend you don’t.

Thanks for dropping by. Every time you show up and distract me from work, it makes mom irritated.

...Still coming around to see me, huh?
Most people give up after they realize I don’t really have any sway with my mom.

At the Library

Don’t let Caleri see you distracting me.
My mom has promised the library enough funds for a new wing if I can recite the entire Kilima Valley property tax code by my Path Declaration.

Did you know there’s actually a Galdur on the Palian Great Council?
He’s been serving almost two hundred years. Talk about tradition!
...What? Sometimes these books can be interesting. Sometimes.

Don't tell Caleri, but I snuck a true crime mag into the pages of my "History of the Palian Grand Council" book.

Check this out, I actually learned something useful while studying.
Did you know that the laws against the use of Flow only prevent MAJIRI from using it?
There was this whole trade war with the Grimalkins and we basically lost. That’s not the part that matters.
What matters is that it means you’re legally allowed to do whatever you want with Flow.

Friendship Level 3-4

Friendship Level 3 or Higher

Me and dad get along a lot better than me and mom.
He's not as obsessed as my mom is about my Path. And he, y'know, actually treats me like a person. It's nice.
Just wish he wasn't such a pushover with mom. I could use someone on my side.

Friendship Level 4

We've got a ton of unique healing plants in the valley.
Like, take spice sprouts. You can use them to heal pain, but they're also good for wrinkles and youth potions.

So, get this. Usually you don't want to shove brightshrooms in your mouth, because you'll puke your guts out.
But if you smash it up into powder and turn it into tea, you can make a potion that's pretty good for aches and bruises.
Chayne taught me how yesterday. It actually worked!

Apparently pearls can be enhanced to ease troubled minds using Flow.
Of course, I don't get to unlock the Flow stuff until I pass like fifty trials.
Healers are super restricted on how much Flow we get to use. The Order locks that stuff down.

...Thanks again for encouraging me to make this healing thing official. I... actually really like it.

Nai'o always said he knew his Path because it felt like home.
It's silly, but... I think I get what he means now.

That's not a fountain at the Dragon Shrine, it's really a spring. Legend says it was formed from the Dragon's tears. He's so in tune with Palia, her pain is his pain.
Least I can do is try to ease some of that, right?

Higher Friendship With Other Villagers

With Reth

I hear you’re getting close to the mysterious cook... let me know if you end up learning his secrets.
I’ve been dying to know what his deal is.

Quest Related

After Kenyatta Friendship/Romance Level 2/3/4 Quest:

Pin Reactions

(Villager)'s Pin

Villagers' Comments while wearing Kenyatta's Pin

 «  Caleri  » 
Oh... You're wearing Kenyatta's pin.
Well, that explains why she's been happier these days. And why she talks so much about you.
Don't worry. She only has good things to say.

 «  Delaila  » 
That belongs to the Bahari girl, don't it?
How did know what, I don't want to know. It isn't my business.

 «  Eshe  » 
That's my daughter's pin. Since when have you two been seeing each other?! And why wasn't I informed?!
In my days, courtship was handled the proper way -- through the approval of the parents of both parties!

Missing reply for Option 2 dialogue.
 «  Kenli  » 
Oh, I see you have an admirer. Tell me, who is it?

Kenyatta? My Kenyatta? ...I see. Well, I approve.
Though I better not tell her that or she might break things off with you if she knew I approved.

I'd rather not say.
Information Needed: Kenli's Response

 «  Zeki  » 
Kenyatta's pin?
I thought I saw the farm boy wearin' that just the other know what, that's none of my business.
I guess if there's one way to make Eshe madder than a herd of ormuu it's to date a Human.