Casual Dialogue with Nai'o

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This page consists of written daily dialogue lines for Nai'o.


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I’ve been trying to improve my workout ever since Kenyatta mentioned I looked slimmer. Not that it was true.
I took my shirt off and flexed just to prove her wrong.

It's been getting so hot out here lately, I've been tempted to work with my shirt off.
Only thing is, the last time I did that, Eshe charged me with public I guess I better keep it on for now.

Working out really helps distract me from stress. If I just keep moving, bad thoughts can’t catch me!

I like to get a couple of lunges in on the way to work. Stable work is all upper body after all.

Every crop has a personality, you know. Tomatoes aren't picky at all, but fruit trees are totally finnicky! And root veggies just like to be left alone.

An important part of caring for your animals is giving them daily doses of affection.
They tend to produce better for folks they know care about them.

If you see something that would make a gift fit for a lady, let me know.
I've been wanting to get my mom something nice to thank her for all she does.

Good to see my new workout buddy. Wanna be each other's spotters today?

Auni's always talking about going on these great big adventures, but I'm fine here on the farms, with the ormuus and the pekis.

Evenings are my favorite time of day.
They're when I get to spend time with my family.

My mom keeps bragging about me, because I tracked down Eshe's riffroc after it escaped last month.
I wish she would knock it off, it's super embarrassing.

My mom's been trying to keep it a secret, but I know she's having trouble making enough money off the farm to pay or[sic] taxes.
That's why I have to work as hard as I can to help.

Sugarfoot told me she's starting to like you. Next time you see her, sneak her an extra carrot just for me.

Shoveling fertilizer can be an unglamorous part of the job, but somebody's gotta do it!

I found these unique little meadow flowers while I was out riding the other day.
They were blue with purple spots! I'd never seen something like that before.
I wanted to pick some, but... I figured I'd leave them there to surprise the next person too.

It's important when caring for animals to make sure their grazing area is free of any dangerous plants or weeds.
My buddy Butterball once got into the wrong patch of mushrooms.
And let's just say...while the experience was entertaining, I don't think it's one my fuzzy little buddy would want to repeat.

After answering a question from Nai'o about your favorite crop

Good thing I caught up with you. I saved some potatoes just for you! I remembered they were your favorite!

+ Potato 2 Potato

Nai'o asks The Player Questions

Missing path for Earth dialogue.
Oh man, I can't wait for the Roundball championship! It's going to be such a great showdown.
Auni and I will be rooting for the Bahari Bay Phoenixes. What team are you rooting for?

The Bahari Bay Phoenixes, duh.
I knew it! Three... Two... One... PHOENIXES! PHOENIXES! PHOENIXES!

What's Roundball?
Information Needed

Missing path for Fire, Water & Air dialogue.
I realized I never got to ask. Do you have a workout routine?

I can lift an entire keg... full.
Wow! Impressive. I can only lift an empty keg. Guess I'll have to get more reps in if I want to impress you.

I'm a cardio fiend.
Information needed

I like to spend time outdoors.
Information needed

Does sleeping count?
Information needed

Specific Time

During the early Day

Looks like Auni already left for his paper route.
Mom had something she wanted to tell him, but I guess it’ll have to wait until he gets back.

Specific Location


Friendship Level 3-4

Friendship Level 3 or Higher

Do you think my clothes are...embarrassing?
My family can't afford anything nicer, but sometimes I feel self-conscious walking into town while I'm wearing pants with holes in them.

Friendship Level 4


Higher Friendship With Other Villagers



Quest Related


Pin Reactions

(Villager)'s Pin
