Dialogue with Nai'o about Gifts

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This page consists of written gift dialogue lines for Nai'o.

After First Gift

At the Player's Housing Plot

Hi, (Player), I've been meaning to give this to you for awhile, but I've been working on so many other projects I haven't had time.
It's a wallpaper the color of jasper. Jasper's the best because it’s down to earth, and it symbolizes kindness and hard work. It's also my Starstone!

+ Earthy Jasper Stucco Wall 1 Earthy Jasper Stucco Wall


Given Jasper Jasper

Whoa, Player, I think you accidentally handed me your starstone.
Wait. You're... giving this to me? Really?
This is the best gift I've gotten since Butterball was born. Thanks, Player!


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Missing dialogues for Requests For Other Villagers.

Requesting Corn Corn

This may sound a little corny...but I could really go for some corn right now.
Was that a pun? I can never figure out when something's a pun.

Requesting Blueberry Jam Blueberry Jam

One of my favorite gifts from last year's harvest festivals was a jar of bush berry preserves.
My mom makes great preserves, but usually she has to sell them to make ends meet.
Harvest fest is a special time, 'cause me and Auni actually get a jar each!
Auni tries to make his last all year, but I usually eat mine all at once.

Requesting Iron Bar Iron Bar

I was tilling the fields yesterday, and my hoe bent right in half!
I could make another one if I had an iron bar.

Requesting Pickled Potatoes Pickled Potatoes, Potato Potato

Helping my dad turn our old produce into pickles is important.
We're running kinda low on potatoes for pickling this week though.

Requesting Steak Dinner Steak Dinner

Sometimes when I go to the Inn, I get a hankering for a nice juicy steak.
But unfortunately, steak's a little too rich for my blood.
Gotta stick with what we produce on the {LL|Daiya Family Farm|farm}}.

Requesting Stone Brick Stone Brick

I was tilling the fields yesterday, and my hoe broke right in half!
I could make another one if I had a stone brick.

Requesting Wagon Wheel Wagon Wheel

One of our carts busted a wheel yesterday, and we just can't afford to buy a new one right now.
If you find an old one lying around, could you bring it to me? I'm sure I could fix it right up.

Requesting WeedBlock Fertilizer WeedBlock Fertilizer

If I could get my hands on some weed blocker, it'd sure free up some time.
Maybe I can try and mix up my own...?

Requesting QualityUp Fertilizer QualityUp Fertilizer

If I could get my hands on some star quality booster, it would sure help out the farm.
Maybe I can try and mix up my own...?

Requests For Other Villagers

Requesting Knapweed Knapweed

I tried to give Kenyatta some of the Crops I grew, but she said she'd rather have knapweed.
What could she want with that...? Is she making her own fertilizer?


Missing dialogue for Specific Rejection, if it exists.

General Acceptance

Oh, hey, this is awesome!
Thanks, (Player)!
Oh hey! This'll come in handy when I'm patching things up around the farm. Thanks!


General Rejection

This isn't normally my jam, so I'm gonna have to pass. Sorry!

Duplicate Weekly Gift

Thanks, but the barn's kinda overflowing with these right now.
I appreciate the thought, though!

Specific Rejection

Given ?


Specific Responses

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Given Acorn Acorn, Juniper Seed Juniper Seed, Pinecone Pinecone or Samara Samara (or the Flow variant of either one)

Wait... these are for me?
I mean, uh... thanks! I know farming isn't so impressive...
But it's nice you support me anyways.

Given Stalking Catfish Stalking Catfish

This?? Is for me???
I won't forget this, (Player).

Given Steak Dinner Steak Dinner

I was just working up a sweat. This'll definitely help me refuel.

Given Wagon Wheel Wagon Wheel

One person's trash is another person's treasure, right?
I can fix this right up. Always good to have a few spare wheels around the farm.