Dialogue with Sifuu about Gifts

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This page consists of written gift dialogue lines for Sifuu.

After First Gift

Sifuu (at the Player's Housing Plot)
I always strive to be the best at everything, but I haven't been the best at giving gifts lately.
Which is why I brought you this wallpaper. It's the color of garnet...and wine.
Honestly, I can't say which I like more. Garnet is my Starstone, but wine, is well, WINE.

+ Wine Garnet Stucco Wall 1 Wine Garnet Stucco Wall


Given Garnet Garnet

Hoo boy, that's a garnet!
Well, I won't say no! Just means I'll have to give back as good as I get!
Thanks, (Player)!


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Requesting Copper Bar Copper Bar

If you've got any spare copper bars lyin' around, I could always use some more.
I promise I won't judge your forgin' technique. Too much.

Requesting Copper Ore Copper Ore, Gold Ore Gold Ore, Silver Ore Silver Ore,

If you come across any solid-lookin' (Ore), I wouldn't mind a bit of it. I'm always running out of the stuff.

Requesting Dispel Arrow Dispel Arrow, Fireworks Arrow Fireworks Arrow, Slowdown Arrow Slowdown Arrow

I know they're a little rare, but I've been wanting to try out some (dispel/firework/lethargy) arrows.
I'd love to see what they'd do on some of the nastier things lurking around.

Requesting Gold Bar Gold Bar

This is a long shot, but you don't have any gold bars lying around, do you?
Got a new project I'm working on, and I could really use a little extra.

Requesting Standard Arrow Standard Arrow

You can never have too many standard arrows.
After all, you never know when you're gonna run into a particularly nasty beastie.

Requesting Stone Brick Stone Brick

If you've got any spare bricks lyin' around, I could always use some more. Maybe I'll show you how I punch one to dust with my bare hands.

Requests For Other Villagers

Requesting Mountain Morel Mountain Morel

I worry about Hassian sometimes.
Boy gets so busy runnin' around, he forgets to eat.
Next time ya see him, would you mind bringing him some mountain morels?
They were always one of his favorites!

Requesting Shimmerfin Shimmerfin

If there's one thing Tau's into, it's shiny things! He's really into shiny fish lately. I bet he'd be over the moons if you brought him one of those pretty shimmerfins!

Requesting Prism Trout Prism Trout

Ashura fished up a shiny prism trout the other day. Tau kept trying to get at it, I guess 'cause it was real nice and shiny.
You'd probably make the pup's day by bringing him one of those.


Missing Specific Rejection dialogue, if it exists.

General Acceptance

You didn't have to bring me a gift. I'm not like the rest of those namby pamby Majiri that require bribery!
That being said, I'll take it! Thanks!


General Rejection

Aw, you don't have to give me any gifts.
I don't need anything else to clutter up my place.

Duplicate Weekly Gift

I appreciate the thought, but I got about fifty of these things lyin' around the shop right now.

Specific Rejection

Given ?


Specific Responses

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Given Dispel Arrow Dispel Arrow

Oh, wow! You're really giving this to me?
I'd never want to leave a hunter without their arrows...
But I can't say no to something like this. So I won't!

Given Elder Sernuk Antlers Elder Sernuk Antlers, Proudhorned Sernuk Antlers Proudhorned Sernuk Antlers

Oh wow! I'm speechless. Which is rare, I know...
I'm working on a special project made of these bad boys.
Tell Hassian I said thanks for spilling the beans.

Given Sernuk Meat Sernuk Meat

Hah! This looks like some fine meat.
Nicely done. Did you catch it yourself?

Given Standard Arrow Standard Arrow

I was just running low on these. Good timing like always.
Now, I wonder what kind of beastie I can take down with it...

Given Stone Brick Stone Brick

This is perfect! I, uh, might have accidentally punched a hole in a chimney while training earlier. ...I better go fix that up soon.