Whale Of A Tale

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Whale Of A Tale is a Found Item Quest given by fishing up a Bone Fragment.


Find more fragments of the mysterious whale, so Jina's colleague can identify it.


Part 1

Bring Jina another whale bone.

↷ Return to Jina

Part 2

Bring Jina another whale bone.

↷ Return to Jina

Part 3

Bring Jina another whale bone.

↷ Return to Jina

Part 4

Bring Jina another whale bone.

↷ Return to Jina


At Quest Completion



  1. While fishing in the ocean in Bahari Bay you may find you've reeled in a treasure chest containing a mysterious bone!
  2. Continue to fish up bone fragments from the ocean and return each one to Jina until enough information can be pieced together.
    • There are at least five different bone pieces you can find. You need to return four to Jina.

Dialogue and Mail

Upon bringing Bone Fragments to Jina

This looks like part of the whale's skull. The brain cavity is at least double the size of any known living whale.
Maybe Humans weren't the only ones to remerge?

Looks like a rib bone belonging to our giant whale friend.
Can't make out much from the bone itself, but the damage makes it look like the whale died from some sort of trauma.
Maybe a fight with another whale or maybe a harpoon? It's hard to say.

This looks like the dorsal fin of a Glow Whale, but it's a bit thinner.
Maybe it got clipped?
Or maybe I was just digging down the wrong hole. I'll see what my friend the biologist has to say.

Oh, mama! This has got to be a horn of a glow whale. I don't know of any other creatures with a horn like that!
I'm gonna send it to my friend to confirm, but I think we may have just made a huge discovery!

That's great!
I don't want to get my hopes up too much, but it may already be too late for that!

We haven't discovered anything yet...
You're right. I don't want to get my hopes up too much, but it may already be too late for that...


Letter from Jina

Dear (Player),
So, I heard back from my colleague and the creature we found wasn't a glow whale. The ribs were too thin, the horn was too twisted, and the eye sockets were too far apart. But it was something maybe even MORE exciting. She said the bone fragments don't belong to ANY existing nautical species which means you may have discovered a brand new whale. If that can be confirmed, you should think of what you want to name it. Personally I think (Player)'s whale has a pretty nice ring to it.

Jina Profile.png Jina


  • Throughout this quest you will be prompted to find several Bone Fragments, one at a time. Each time you fish one up, return to Jina to continue the quest. Bone Fragments can be fished up from the ocean in Bahari Bay WITHOUT bait. They will appear as chests on your hook. Shouldn't need to fish more than a couple times before the chest appears.

Update History

Build 0.166:

  • Introduced.