Dialogue with Najuma about Gifts

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This page consists of written gift dialogue lines for Najuma.

After First Gift

At Player's Housing Plot

Hey...I felt a little bad that you've given me so much stuff, and I haven't given anything back.
I thought you might like this wallpaper inspired by my Starstone, quartz. It's...uh...kinda plain.
But sometimes plain is nice, ya know? Like how cloudy days are good for inventing.

+ Cloudy Quartz Stucco Wall Cloudy Quartz Stucco Wall


Given Quartz Quartz

Is that a Quartz? For me?
Th-thanks, Player! I actually, um, collect these.
This one's going right in the center!


ChapaaChuckle.png This article or following section is likely to contain spoilers! Please proceed with caution.

Requesting Clay Clay, Copper Bar Copper Bar, Flint Flint, Iron Bar Iron Bar, Silver Bar Silver Bar

The explosive I’m working on right now could use some (clay, copper, flint, iron, silver). I would go get it myself, but, you know...

Requesting Flow-Infused Plank Flow-Infused Plank

I'm working on a new invention, and I could use some magicwood planks.
U-um, but don't worry if you can't get any. I'm sure I can find some myself.

Requesting Honey Loach Honey Loach

My dad doesn't like fish, but I'm a big fan of honey loach.
I always have to get it myself if I wanna eat it.

Requesting Knapweed Knapweed

Some people think knapweed is just an ugly nuisance, but I've always liked it.
It's not knapweed's fault it's so good at growing!

Requesting Stripeshell Snail Stripeshell Snail

Whenever it rains, I like to go looking for stripeshell snails.
They're kinda cute, right?

Requesting Tomato Plant Seed Tomato Plant Seed

I wanted to try growing my own tomato seeds. It'd be handy to always have a snack on hand.
I'd go get the seeds myself, but... I-I try to avoid town when I can help it.

Requesting Wild Garlic Wild Garlic

Food always tastes a little better with garlic.
I-I mean. I'll still eat things without it!

Requests For Other Villagers

Requesting Elder Sernuk Antlers Elder Sernuk Antlers, Sernuk Antlers Sernuk Antlers

...if you're looking for presents for my dad, he really likes antler decor.
Oof, I kinda wish I didn't say that...
I think the "antlers everywhere" look is pretty tacky.

Requesting Spotted Chapaa Tail Spotted Chapaa Tail, Striped Chapaa Tail Striped Chapaa Tail

...if you're looking for presents for my dad, he really likes Chapaa tail decor.
Oof, I kinda wish I didn't say that...
I think the "disembodied animal parts" look is pretty tacky.


General Acceptance

Oh, uh- thank you!


General Rejection

Um... no thanks.

Duplicate Weekly Gift

Thanks, but I already have a ton of this stuff lying around.

Specific Rejection


Specific Responses

ChapaaChuckle.png This article or following section is likely to contain spoilers! Please proceed with caution.

Given Blueberry Pie Blueberry Pie

A berry pie? My dad didn't tell you to give this to me, right?
...I-I mean, I'll take it!
I wouldn't want to waste a perfectly good berry pie after all...

Given Copper Bar Copper Bar, Iron Bar Iron Bar

Whoa! You brought me a whole metal bar.
You must have hit the motherlode!

Given Knapweed Knapweed, Wild Garlic Wild Garlic

Oh, wow. This is for me?
Thanks! I can never get enough of this stuff.

Given Sweet Leaf Sweet Leaf

Sweet Leaves? My dad didn’t tell you to give these to me, right?
...I-I mean, I’ll take them!
Sometimes it’s nice to relax after a long day of work with a cup of sweet leaf tea.