One Last Walk

One Last Walk is a Secret Puzzle quest found in Bahari Bay.
Follow in the footsteps of a human in the days leading up to their disappearance.
- There are seven tablets total, and they must be found in the correct order for the next one to appear.
First Tablet
- Can be found with no prerequisites
- Location Hint: In the north side of Bahari Bay
- Location Answer: On the side of the ruins in the Flooded Steps.
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I have been asked to report to the Temple of the Waves - to hide away in the mountains for my own safety. I fear I may not return.
I wish to take one last walk around our noble aqueduct, to see this place a final time in case it is truly lost to me. And in case it is lost to you, dear reader, I have decided to document it.
I believe my first step will be that beautiful bridge by the sea, just northeast of here...
Second Tablet
- Location Hint: From previous tablet: "My first stop will be by that beautiful bridge by the sea, just northeast of here."
- Location Answer: At the base of the bridge in the far northeast corner of the bay.
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I used to love sitting on this bridge. It was the perfect place to talk with another for hours on end.
Now, being here alone, it fills me with dread. Even with an ocean of possibility, I cannot foresee a ending to this worth fighting for. Have I simply lost too mych?
Hopefully a walk through the aqueduct will calm my spirits. The cracks near the seaside make for the perfect hideway to collect my thoughts.
Third Tablet
- Location Hint: From previous tablet: "Hopefully a walk through the aqueduct will calm my spirits. The cracks near the seaside make for the perfect hideaway to collect my thoughts."
- Location Answer: Inside the Ancient Aquaduct tunnel that connects Coral Shores to Lighthouse Lagoon, near the lamp.
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The aqueduct is showing more signs of weakness than I have ever seen before. I wonder... what will this place look like in ten years? In a hundred? Will it even remain at all? The Flow Generator tucked away inside is fragile... should it leak, I shudder to think of the consequences.
It is hubris to think our monuments will last so long... the only thing we can truly affect is the present.
My mind races with the tides. It may do me well to visit the shipyard just south of here.
Fourth Tablet
- Location Hint: From previous tablet: "My mind races with the tides. It may do me well to visit the shipyard just south of here."
- Location Answer: North of the Beachcomber Cove Fast Travel sign, near some smashed boats.
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As I stand here, watching the ships go to sea, I consider whether I should board one. Join the souls taking their chances with the unknown... a fresh start. That is what I have needed for so long.
Perhaps whatever is out there is better than here. Perhaps it is not. The king’s men say that there is no escape, but I wonder. Isn’t that always the gamble of the sailor?
The sea’s impermanence clearly isn’t helping my compulsion. Maybe a walk through the caverns...
Fifth Tablet
- Location Hint: From previous tablet: "The sea's impermanence clearly isn't helping my compulsion. Maybe a walk through the caverns..."
- Location Answer: In the large open chamber inside Pavel Mines, drop down into the shallow water.
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I thought that one day my children might play in these waters. That I might hear their voices bounce jubilantly off the walls in these hollowed caverns. Now, I wonder whether they will ever be born at all.
It is times like these, deep in reflection, that I can feel the pain I have carried all of these years. I wonder so often about Aurora – where she’s been, where she’s planning to go. I doubt she still thinks of me this way.
I should visit her one final time. I believe she lives in the villa to the south. I wonder whether she has already left…
Sixth Tablet
- Location Hint: From previous tablet: "I wonder so often about Aurora...I should visit her one final time. I believe she lives in the villa to the south. I wonder whether she has already left."
- Location Answer: In the flooded ruins halfway between Hideaway Bluffs and the Windy Ruins, near a stash of supplies.
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Aurora – if you find this, please know I have lived a life in remorse of what happened between us. I wish I had been better to you at the time – I often think how much better I could be to you today. Your spirit steered me back towards the path of righteousness, but I know now that I had to find it myself.
I am sorry I depended on you so heavily. I hope you’re out there, living a life to the fullest it can be lived.
If you receive this and wish to meet with me one final time, I will be waiting for you on the bluffs to the east.
Seventh Tablet
- Location Hint: From previous tablet: "If you receive this and wish to meet with me one final time, I will be waiting for you on the bluffs to the east."
- Location Answer: North of the Windy Ruins, on a cliff overlooking the Beachcomber Cove Fast Travel sign.
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Aurora – I’d like to believe you received my message and were simply waylaid, but I know better. Whether it was due to disaster or design, you are not coming. That is quite alright.
I sit here, looking upon the lights in the sky, and they remind me of what you wanted – a life filled with helping others.
I will remain out here, searching for you, for survivors – for anyone who wants to fight. And I will help them. I am not willing to hide away from the world for the vaguest of promises.
For whoever finds this note – you are welcome to these supplies. Use them well. Perhaps we will meet one day, if fate allows it.
- Along with the final tablet, you will also find a Treasure Chest containing your rewards:
4 Gold Ore
Treasure Chest (Epic)
71 Gold
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