Patch Notes - Build 0.168

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Build 0.168 is an Open Beta Update (#4) that was released on September 12, 2023 for Palia.


Patch 0.168 is coming in hot, hot, HOT! 🔥That’s the theme of this patch, and we are just so eager to share all the blazing new additions we’ll be adding to the game! We’ve also got some highly requested QoL changes and bug fixes. Read on ahead! 👇

At A Glance

  • The Temple of the Flames is now available to explore. ❤️‍🔥
  • A new furniture set, “Emberborn,” has been added. 🐥
  • Two new crops and ten related dishes are now available. 🌽🌶️
  • Become best buds with Tau Profile.png Tau through his new Friendship Quests! 🐶
  • The Worktable Worktable now supports multi-crafting! 🔨



  • 0.168.2: Hotfix - September 18, 2023
    • 🐕 Tau's Friendship Level 2 Quest, Quest Icon.png A Hole Lotta Work, has been fixed. You are now able to repair the Garden Beds as expected.
    • 🌶️ The Temple of the Flames Sear-chef Bundle Sear-chef Bundle has been updated. It no longer requires Stuffed Tomatoes, and instead requires Phoenixfire Relleno.
    • 🔥 Temple of the Flames bundles no longer complete prematurely when all other sub-bundles have 1 item completed.
    • 🪑 Multicrafting at the Worktable Worktable now awards the correct amount of XP for all decor and furniture items crafted.
    • 👛 A feature originally intended for Patch 0.169 has snuck its way in early - you can now purchase Palia Coins using Paypal!
  • We are continuing to look into:
    • The ongoing issues with achievements, including Maji Market stamp cards.
    • The ESC button does not consistently exit out of menus.
    • The lag spikes that players are experiencing, especially while moving furniture or cooking at their homesteads.
  • 0.168.1 : Hotfix - September 14, 2023
    • ♻️ Items that may have gone missing as a result of issues such as with the Hallway add-on will now return - they will appear right at the front of your housing plot, so please don’t be alarmed if you see a clutter of items suddenly appear there!
    • 🎞️ We have tuned some graphics settings for better frame rate improvements.
    • 💎 You can now properly collect the Flowstone located by the exit in the Quest Icon.png Plumehound Pilgrimage Quest!
    • 👗 Players should no longer receive an error message indicating their clothing needs to be mended at login.
    • 🪴 Grass should no longer peek through your gardening plots or other decor placed on the ground in your housing plot.
    • 🔥 You should now be able to offer whole Heat Root Heat Root instead of Chopped Heat Root Chopped Heat Root for the Fire Temple bundle.
    • 🍳 The Cooking UI should no longer disappear while cooking.
    • 🌽 We have doubled the amount of seeds that corn and spicy peppers give you, bringing them more in line with the other fruits and vegetable seed values.

We wanted to also call out a fix-that-turned-into-an-unintentional-buff:

🪑 Multicrafting will now award XP for every crafted item, however, multicrafting furniture you have never crafted before now gives too much XP.

This will be corrected in a future hotfix or full patch, but we wanted to be clear in advance that this is unintentional and we are aware of it.

We know these fixes do not address every issue players are seeing and we are still looking into a number of them, including but not limited to:

  • The ongoing issues with achievements, including Maji Market stamp cards.
  • The ESC button does not consistently exit out of menus.
  • The lag spikes that players are experiencing, especially while moving furniture or cooking at their homesteads.

The Temple of the Flames area, two related quests, and four new Bundles have been added.

  • Get started by receiving a letter in the mail from Hassian!
    • Note: It requires completion of the “Vault of Waves” questline first. (But it’s okay if you haven’t finished the bundles!) 🌊
  • Completing each Temple Bundle will reward you - and some items are new and exclusive! The final reward for completing all four includes a very special item…the Ancient Rock Garden.

The Ancient Rock Garden will be granted as a reward for completing all Temple of the Flames Bundles.

  • Placing the Ancient Rock Garden on your housing plot will have a special guest appear...the fabled Kitsuu.
  • Offer an item on the stone pedestal for a chance to receive a reward from the Kitsuu.
    • This interaction can be done once daily and resets at 9 PM PT(4 AM UTC).

📣The Kitsuu are rare beings—not pets—whose presence must be respected. They are not used to human interaction and may run away when approached. (This PSA has been brought to you by Hassian.)

You can now have a Friendship with Tau! 🐕

We know this was a very deserved update for the bestest boi. And if you need any more motivation, know that you get a big ol’ Tau plushie as a reward for completing his Level 4 Friendship.

Get ready to craft the Emberborn Set! ☀️

In celebration of the Temple of the Flame being added, and inspired by Embra directly, this set features hues of orange and yellow, gold accents, and a design not unlike some of the ancient human ruins seen throughout Palia. Also flames, lots of flames. Did we mention fire?

Eight decor pieces have been added:

You can now grow Corn and Spicy Peppers. 🌽🌶️

  • Corn Seed Corn Seed can immediately be purchased for Gold.png 30 Gold at Zeki’s General Store.
  • Spicy Pepper Seeds require Level 6 Gardening, and costs Gold.png 170 Gold at Zeki’s General Store.
  • You can also purchase Corn Corn (the crop) directly from Badruu Profile.png Badruu.

Ten new dishes are ready to be cooked! 🍳

More items have been added to Zeki’s Wondrous Machine.

15 new books can now be found and read throughout the world of Palia.

  • Lore fans, this one’s for you!

⚒️🎉It’s finally here: You can now multi-craft recipes from the Worktable Worktable! 🎉⚒️

  • You can increase or decrease the amount of times the recipe is crafted using the buttons, or type the value in the field directly.
  • The limit is up to 99 times per crafting action.
  • This should apply to every recipe, so whether it’s Standard Arrows, or Log Cabin Garden Sernuks, have at it*!
    • So long as you have enough required ingredients.

Item Requests can now be fulfilled using items in your storage.

See a request you know you can fulfill, but it’s back at home in your storage? This change makes it so it’s easier than ever to help others, even while out adventuring!

Some quests have been adjusted:

  • The furniture required to complete Quest Icon.png The Path Ahead (Kenyatta Friendship Lvl. 4) has been changed to easier options.
  • Stuck on what the riddle for Quest Icon.png Open the Door (Jina Friendship Lvl. 3) means? Feel free to ask Einar for a hint!
  • Quest Icon.png A Scheme Involving Pyramids (Elouisa Friendship Lvl. 4) has additional guidance now, so should it be easier to get started.
    • Have you been blocked from getting this quest despite having Level 4 Friendship with Elouisa? See the Bug Fixes section below!
  • Certain Found Item/Discovery quests relating to fishing should now be easier to unlock.
  • The focus values granted by various Preserve Jar Products have been reduced.
  • In taking a look at these values, we realized the numbers were set higher than intended. We have tuned them to better be proportionate to their sell values, which will make them more in line with other items that grant focus.

Interactable Light settings in your housing plot will persist and be viewed the same by all visitors.

  • If you want to have an entire room filled with lamps burning bright — and want everyone to know — you do you! 💡
  • ⚠️Note: We are aware of a bug where the current light setting will be reversed, so what's “ON” will actually show as “OFF,” and vice versa.

Premium Store Updates

The Premium Store UI has been updated.

  • As mentioned in our recent Monetization Update blog , we have made some updates to the store based on feedback from the community.
  • The display price of bundles & outfits have been adjusted to better reflect their current cost.
  • Descriptions in the store have been improved to better explain how the bundle discount works.

Three New Outfit Bundles have been added to the Premium Store. Cadet Jacket

  • The Cadet Bundle (Palia Coin.png 850/Outfit, Palia Coin.png 1,700/Bundle) includes Lieutenant, General, and Admiral outfits.
    • Each outfit comes with a top and bottom.
  • The Disciple Bundle (Palia Coin.png 1,275/Outfit, Palia Coin.png 2,549/Bundle) includes Novitiate, Ceremonial, and Renewal outfits.
    • Each outfit comes with a top and bottom.
  • The Ballroom Belle Bundle (Palia Coin.png 1,275/Outfit, Palia Coin.png 2,549/Bundle) includes Resplendent, Efflorescent, and Majinificent outfits.
    • Each outfit comes with a one-piece and a hat.

Bug Fixes

Disclaimer: The Community Team does its very best to collect all possible Known Issues into our wicker baskets; however, we may not always be able to capture every quirk you encounter.

Holy smokes! Our devs fixed over 180 known issues this patch cycle - that’s a LOT of bugs! 🐞 Here are some worth celebrating listed below.

  • [ES] The text error for item amount now shows the correct value, instead of x {Amount}.
  • Players can now use 4 numbers in their Full Name instead of 3.
  • Star quality items gifted through the Requests system now remain star quality.
  • The Moonstruck Grimoire can now be placed on tables.
  • Einar's Adornment Einar's Adornment can now be placed.
  • Skill plaques are now placeable on exterior walls.
  • The Accomplishment “Kilima Caches” was awarding an item named “Kilima Village Map”, but was showing a map for Bahari Bay. It now shows Kilima Village as intended.
  • Housing accomplishment trophies have had their “pickup” prompts updated to the correct trophy names.
  • Villagers who had not been accepting their Weekly Wants items will now accept them again, such as Chayne Profile.png Chayne’s request for Apple Apple or Ashura Profile.png Ashura’s request for Samara Samara seed.
  • For Elouisa’s Quest Icon.png That Fishy Feeling quest (Friendship Lvl. 3), the quest no longer rewards Exquisite Bobber Exquisite Bobber. It now instead rewards a Major Safe Zone Size Booster Major Safe Zone Size Booster attachment.
  • Players who have been unable to start Quest Icon.png A Scheme Involving Pyramids (Elouisa Friendship Lvl. 4) can now talk to her while she is in her room to get it started.
  • Missing dialogue options for Jina’s Quest Icon.png Open the Door quest have been fixed.
  • For Zeki’s quest Quest Icon.png Bugs Everywhere! (Friendship Lvl. 4), it now accurately reads as only needing to catch 25 bugs, instead of 30.
  • Jel’s clothing details no longer pop in and out when approaching him, or walking away from him.
  • Treasure chests that will overflow your inventory can no longer be picked up, risking items being destroyed.
  • Players will no longer see the occasional duplicated icon on their compass.
  • We’ve fixed the lack of collisions in multiple areas of Kilima Village, especially around Zeki’s shop, the Daiya Family Farm, and City Hall.
  • The fishing rod floating beneath the tavern has moved on.
  • Players can no longer climb the invisible pillar in the Pavel Mines.
  • We’ve fixed multiple areas of the map where players were getting stuck, including cliffs near the Bahari Stables geyser.
  • Cicadas now spawn attached to trees, instead of next to them.
  • Insects that spawned from mining or foraging now scramble away, instead of staying in place or spawning underground.
  • Insects around the Daiya Family Farm now spawn more quickly.
  • Heat Root Heat Root no longer spawns in inaccessible places around Bahari Bay.
  • Flow trees no longer spawn in areas of Bahari Bay where players could not reach them.
  • The 424 error now displays as “Client outdated. Please exit and run Palia Launcher to update.” instead of “cannot place you in queue”.

Top Known Issues

  • The Maji Market Stamp Cards are not accurately registering your achievements for the associated Questlines or party-based Chapaa Chase minigame.
    • While we do not currently have a fix ready, we are looking into an alternative way to reimburse players. Please stay tuned!
  • Adding 99 fertilizer to all nine slots of a gardening plot will make it un-interactable.
    • Please avoid doing so, otherwise you will lose out on soil plots and not be able to garden! Symptoms include: you can no longer add new crops to the plot; you can no longer pick it up; the plot itself becomes invisible, but still present; etc.
  • Interacting with the Wardrobe while your character is stuck in the “missing textures & T-posing” appearance will cause your character to reset/change appearances permanently.
    • At the moment, the workaround for the “T-posing” issue is to simply relog into the game. Please avoid interacting with the wardrobe, otherwise your character will change with no way to adjust certain settings!
  • If players have full inventories and they have space in their storage, they receive a "Wow, your inventory is full" error pop-up when trying to pick up their house, or housing add-ons.
    • Having just one empty slot available in your inventory will allow you to move your house and housing add-ons.

The Floating Relic quest item may accidentally be consumed.

Expanded Known Issues List

Disclaimer: These are only a select few issues of many we’re aware of! For troubleshooting on common issues, please visit:


  • 💔 Could interfere with strategy or gameplay
  • 👍 Not-good, but playable
  • 🤷‍♀️ Might not even notice if you don’t do this very specific thing

New to 0.168

Around The World


  • 🤷‍♀️ There is no error message pop-up if you accidentally type an incorrect prompt in chat (for example, “/w” instead of “w/” to whisper.)
  • 👍 The Emoji Icon in the bottom right of the chat box is missing, but can still be clicked. Once clicked, all Emojis inside are invisible but can still be clicked. Once clicked, they too are invisible in the chat box.


Fire Temple

  • 🤷‍♀️ Leaving and Entering the Fire Temple too quickly can cause a failed zone transfer, resulting in a long period of a black screen. Please tread carefully!


  • 👍 Bushes do not fall over after being chopped.


  • 💔 SpeedyGro Fertilizer SpeedyGro Fertilizer’s description is currently incorrect. It should instead state that it “adds one bonus day of growth per two regular days of growth.”
  • 👍 Worm & Glow Worm farms are not currently not taking the bonus gold value of Star Quality items into account.
  • 👍 SpeedyGro Fertilizer SpeedyGro Fertilizer is currently selling for Gold.png 10. The sell cost should be Gold.png 5, matching Harvest Boost.

The above gardening errors will be resolved in a future patch. In addition to these future updates, players can also expect to see twice as much SpeedyGro fertilizer generated in their Glow Worm farms.

Housing & Decor

  • 👍 Some items, such as the Dragontide Wall Clock Dragontide Wall Clock, are missing textures.
  • 👍 The window above the main House entry doorway is not see-through from the exterior of the house, instead having just a gray texture applied over it.
  • 🤷‍♀️ If players try to leave their Housing Plot before talking to Hodari Profile.png Hodari during the early game tutorials, they appear to get stuck on an infinite loading stuck.

Requests 👍 Star quality items are no longer available to select to fulfill requests. This will prevent star quality items from being downgraded when your friend receives the item. We will be making updates very soon to allow star quality items to be both sent and requested.

Quests & Villagers

  • 💔 Villagers who share that they would like to receive Corn will not accept it as a gift.
  • 👍 When completing the quest Quest Icon.png Ancient Battery, there is no text in the pop-up. There are no further steps you need to take!
  • 👍 The Magistrate and Tau are missing from the Celebration Cinematic.
  • 👍 Villagers and players float above ground in some areas in Maji Market.
  • 👍 Ashura Profile.png Ashura is teleporting from his morning workout routine straight to his fishing location at 10:15am Palia Time.

Visual Bugs

  • 👍 After using the bow or smoke bomb, players can sometimes lock into the hunting pose.
  • 👍 For the Maji Market, the Pop-up notification for completing a Game Event Stamp Card directs players to the Accomplishment tab to view more game event accomplishments; However, game event accomplishments are located in the Game Events tab, not the Accomplishment tab.
  • 🤷‍♀️ When the number of items you have in a crafter gets too big, the UI is cut off.

Wardrobe & Premium Store

  • 👍 Premium Store outfit thumbnails appear slightly greyed/muted in color until players hover over them
  • 👍 When players are transitioned to the Wardrobe, or Dressing Room Menu, they see glimpses of a black screen with UI, terrain, and an empty wardrobe menu with ”No Matching Results”. It will return to the expected appearance shortly after.
  • 👍 The Regal Ballroom Dress shows black and blue colors in the store - however, the actual item is the expected colors.
  • 👍 Hair Dye Patterns do not display a pattern in the UI. The swatches appear as blank circles.

Ongoing Known Issues

Around The World

  • 🤷‍♀️ It is more difficult than intended to climb ivy, especially in the Bahari Bay lighthouse.
  • 🤷‍♀️ At the Daiya Family Farm, the front door frame is missing. It looks a little strange but we know about it and a fix is on the way!
  • 👍 Stray gliders can be found scattered throughout the world. Sadly, this is not a new and unusual foragable.
  • 👍 There are a collection of visual errors where items will “fade” in and out of view as you approach.
  • 👍 There are areas where you might fall through the world, or get stuck in an unexpected corner. Typing /unstuck, or using the Return Home button on your map, will free you.


  • 🤷‍♀️ Players are unable to send messages in the Community channel if they rejoin after leaving.
  • 👍 The Whisper Chat defaults to yourself after exiting a Party.
  • 👍 Sometimes players can still send messages in Community chat after being kicked from the community.


  • 💔 Cooking Sushi Sushi can result in players freezing at the prep station.

Pressing to bring up the Housing Menu, then again to exit, will unfreeze you.

  • 👍 Periodically, finishing a cooking minigame will make the UI that appears over other stations disappear.


  • 👍 When fishing near Einar Profile.png Einar, players will have to cast out very far to avoid the dock despite the fishing indicator being blue.

Friends, Parties, & Communities

  • 💔Players suddenly exiting the game (using Alt+F4 or crashing, for example), may still appear active and in a party despite no longer being online.
  • 💔 Unfriending someone sends you an unexpected Friend Request.
  • 💔 When a player blocks another player, the blocker is not removed from the blockee’s Social Panel Server section.
  • 👍 Friend requests cannot be denied.
  • 👍 When in the Lobby screen, the key and shortcuts to access the social panel does not bring up the settings menu or toggle the state of the social panel.
  • 👍 Player’s list of “Offline” friends is not minimized or collapsed by default.
  • 👍 When in the Lobby screen, the Friend Request notification does not appear when receiving a friend request.
  • 👍 Players are allowed to send Community invitations, even if their Community is full.

Remaining invites will not rescind when a Community reaches capacity, too.

  • 👍 Clicking "Dismiss" when receiving a friend or party request will not dismiss the request.
  • 👍 Your Party does not disband when there is one Party Member left after the Party Leader, or Member, leaves the game.
  • 👍 Players do not receive a chat notification message when someone joins a party.
  • 👍 Players do not receive a chat notification message when another player joins their neighborhood.
  • 👍 Players who are in the same community OR in the same server, who send each other friend requests, may see location information (such as where one player is currently located in the world) in the social panel.
  • 🤷‍♀️ Party invitations do not expire when a Party becomes full.

Game Events: Maji Market

  • 👍 Game Event accomplishments should be viewed under the Game Event Page tab of the menu, but the Stamp Card will direct players to look at the standard Accomplishments tab instead.

Housing & Furniture

  • 🤷‍♀️ There is some minor clipping from the environment through the furniture, such as grass and trees.
  • 👍Interior wall grids are slightly misaligned, and overlap with attached housing add-ons.
  • 👍 Players may not be able to pick up their main house portion if their inventory is full - even if they have space in storage.

Photo Mode

  • 👍 The camera function cannot be rebound from the key.
  • 👍 Photo Mode’s recent photos and album menu buttons are behaving inconsistently. The “Back” button does not work, but the “Close” button will take you back.
  • 👍 Party UI does not appear/disappear if a player takes a photo in-game before joining or leaving a party.

Quests & NPCs

  • 👍 For the Quest Icon.png Learning the Ropes quest, Badruu Profile.png Badruu & Reth Profile.png Reth prematurely mention that the player is now ready to speak to Kenli Profile.png Kenli, when in fact you should be speaking to Reth or Badruu first, respectively.
  • 👍 In Private spaces, NPCs are not standing on their expected target points, which could result in you catching Zeki Profile.png Zeki jumping on his bed.

Visual, Audio, & Animation Bugs

  • 👍 The Focus tutorial does not pop up to guide new players through an explanation of their Focus bar.
  • 👍 Sound and music can cut out at unexpected times, such as leaving your housing plot.
  • 👍 The “Emote Collection” button appears as a white box until it is clicked.
  • 👍 Text in the “Report” and “Kudos” boxes is difficult to read.
  • 👍 UI buttons animate correctly but do not respond when clicked on their edges.
  • 👍 A visual issue where when playing with a smaller screen size, or in windowed mode, the clothing icons in the wardrobe display covers the “continue” button.
  • 👍 Terrain and foliage pop in and out during Welcome To Palia Cinematic.
  • 👍 There are a collection of visual errors where items or environments will “pop” in and out of view as you approach.
  • 👍 There are a handful of icons that do not match their item. This also applies to accomplishments rewards, like the Bug Catching accomplishments.
  • 🤷‍♀️ The Honey Lure Honey Lure animation does not loop properly.

Wardrobe & Premium Shop

  • 👍 When trying on clothes in the wardrobe, color swatches may appear “invisible.” You can still click on them and get the colors you want!

Wow, hi! Thanks for reading all the way. Now that you're here, you might like this: 🔥