Plumehound Pilgrimage

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Plumehound Pilgrimage is a Main Quest given by Hassian.


Talk to Hassian about his letter.


Part 1

Hassian has sent you a mysterious letter asking for help. Find out what's going on by talking to him.

Part 2

Hassian thinks Tau is sneaking off to The Outskirts at night. Head to Bahari Bay yourself and try to pick up his trail.

Part 3

Hassian thinks Tau is sneaking off to The Outskirts at night. Now that you've picked up his trail, follow the footprints to the end!

↷ Return to Hassian

Part 4

Tau's trail led to a broken Flow Battery in front of a mysterious temple door. Hassian thinks Sifuu might be able to reforge it for you!

  • Talk to Sifuu about the battery.

Part 5

Sifuu can't fix the battery without blowing up the village. She thinks Zeki will have a solution, but he'll only talk about it in the Underground.

  • Talk to Zeki in the Underground.

Part 6

Zeki thinks he can use Flowstones to fix the Flow Battery. Follow his not-very-detailed hints to find them in Bahari Bay.

  • Collect the Flowstone near a ruin.
  • Collect the Flowstone near an exit.
  • Collect the Flowstone near water.
  • Collect the Flowstone near barrels.
  • Collect the Flowstone up high.
↷ Return to Sifuu

Part 7

Now that the Flowstones have been found, it's up to Zeki to bring the Flow Battery back online. Bring the Flowstones to him in the Underground.

  • Bring the Flowstones to Zeki.

Part 8

With the Flow Battery up and running, it's time to bring it back to Sifuu to see what's next!

  • Bring the overcharged battery to Sifuu.


During Quest

At Quest Completion


1. Read the letter sent by Hassian Profile.png Hassian and then go talk to him to find out what mission he speaks of.
2. Hassian asked you to follow Tau Profile.png Tau's trail and see whaty ou find.
3. Head to Hassian's camp right across the travel sign in The Outskirts of Bahari Bay. There you will find a glowing mound and Tau's footprints. Dig up the mound and follow the footprints!

  • Interact with the mound by pressing "F" and move onto the next location.
Mound Locations

4. Holy smokes you found a Flow Battery! Take this to Sifuu to see if she can help you out.

  • You can talk to Hassian, Tau and Jina about the battery before talking to Sifuu for their opinion.

5. Sifuu spills the beans on a juicy secret while also telling you she can't fix the battery. She knows Zeki can help, so she sends you on your merry way to him.

  • You can talk to Zeki outside of the Underground to see his reaction or wait until he heads to the Underground.

6. Meet Zeki at the discreet location of the Underground and discuss methods of fixing your Flow Battery. He will give you not-so-great hints to the locations of the Flowstones. Head to Bahari Bay.
7. All of the Flowstones have been hidden in Pavel Mines.

Flowstone Locations
  • Near a Ruin: the exit that leads towards the Flooded Fortress.
  • Near an exit: at the center rocks right after entering Pavel Mines.
  • Near water: to the left of the pond, on top of a rock.
  • Near barrels: the barrels are located in the tunnel that makes a U-turn; the entrance is to the left as soon as you enter Pavel Mines.
  • Up high: climb the ouside walls of Pavel Mines to reach the upper mine area. Jump down twice and locate 2 barrels.

7. Take the Flowstones back to Zeki to see if he can fix up the battery.

  • You can talk to Zeki outside of the Underground for his reaction.

8. With your fully functional Overcharged Flow Battery in hand, fine Sifuu to deliver some good news!

Dialogue and Mail

Letter from Hassian

Dear (Player),

I think you are ready to help me with a special mission.

Find me when you can.

Hassian Profile.png Hassian

Upon finding out the mission from Hassian

Heard you had a special mission?
About time you showed up.
Tau snuck away several times this week.
I'd like you to find out where he's going.
Guess you need a real hunter to track him.
Ha! That's the first good joke you've told.
No. The search area is simply too large.

Have you tried asking him?
Don't make me regret asking you.

I will hunt for Tau's tracks in south Bahari, while you search up north.
Start at my camp in the Outskirts. He likes it there at night.
Mission Accepted!

Why are we investigating a plumehound?

Whatever Tau is looking for, it must be important. He's trained not to wander off.
When you have it, bring it to my mother. I may still be out searching.
Remember, start at my camp in the Outskirts. North Bahari Bay, near the travel sign.

Special dialogues before talking to Sifuu about the battery

I found this Flow Battery. And a locked temple door...
You and Jina discovered a temple like this before, right?
I wonder how many are out there... and why Tau has chosen this one.
Would you mind taking the battery to my mother?
Good. Help her fix it, and we will meet afterwards.

Why can't you?
I don't intend on getting lectured today. By you, or her.
Help her fix it. We will meet afterwards.

I found the Flow Battery!
(Tau beams with enthusiasm!)

Tau found a broken Flow Battery... and a new temple.
I should've known more were out there...
Nevertheless, I think you can handle fixing it together.
Why can't you help?
Uhhhh.... let's just say... it's better for me not to be involved right now.
Magic is illegal, after all.
I don't need The Order coming to town and disrupting my investigation.

Upon bringing the battery to Sifuu

Can you fix this battery?
Woah! This is one of those old Human batteries...
What are you doing with this thing?
Tau found a secret door in Bahari Bay it might open.
A secret door?
How'd you know I love secrets?! I talk about them all the time.
I wish I could help, but I don't know the first thing about reforging old human tech...
But... Zeki does!
Think we can blackmail Zeki for help?
No need. Lucky for us, Zeki still owes me after I fixed his eye-scoper.
Did you know he still has both eyes?
Between you and me, I kind of thought his palcat had scratched one out...
Anyway, he owes me! Even if it's something illegal like this...

Are you sure we can trust Zeki?
We can't trust anyone besides him... this sort of stuff isn't exactly... uh... legal.
Go see if he can come up with a plan.
If he tries to charge you, remind him he still owes me a favor.

I'll go talk to him now!
Calm down there, hotshot. We need to be discreet with magic stuff like this.
Go see if he can come up with a plan.
If he tries to charge you, remind him he still owes me a favor.

Do I look like I know how to do that?
That sounds like a good way to lose a finger.
There's a reason this stuff is illegal.
Go see if Zeki can come up with a plan.
If he tries to charge you, remind him he still owes me a favor.

What's the secrecy around magic?
Oh, right! I forgot you might not know...
There's a group called the[sic] Order that doesn't want anyone messing with this stuff.
You'll need to talk to Zeki somewhere... quiet.
Remember how I said I love secrets? This is a juicy one!
Zeki's got a secret underground market set up beneath his store. Just don't tell anyone else.
Well... anyone besides Hodari... or Najuma... or Ashura... or Reth. I already told them.

Special dialogues before talking to Zeki

Why do you want to get inside the Temple?
Maybe I want to know more about where humans come from...
That way you can go back there, instead of bothering me.

If you're from there, it must be... special.

Where'd you find the battery, buddy?
(Tau responds with various barking dialogues)

Upon talking to Zeki

Can we talk about something... magical?
Do you work for The Order now, kid? You legally have to tell me.


I knew it.
That's exactly what someone who doesn't work for The Order would say.
Seriously though, it isn't safe to yell about this stuff.
Unless, of course, you asked me about it in a more discreet place. At a more discreet hour.
One with high quality goods for sale... and a very handsome shopkeep.
Go to the sewer behind the Remembrance Garden late at night. And don't bring any friends.

Let's talk, kid. Just remember I charge by the hour.
It all started when I emerged from a void...
Uh... keep that to yourself.
Sifuu already blabbed to me about the Flow Battery.
If you need to fix that trinket of yours up, you'll need my help...
And I need to keep myself... solvent.

Sifuu says you can fix a Flow Battery.
You've got Sifuu working with a Flow Battery?
That seems safe. Suuuper safe.
If you need to fix that bad boy up, you'll need my help...
And I just found out I need to re-up my life insurance.

Come on, do it for me! Pleeeeeease?

Sifuu says you owe her a favor.

Calm down, pal! I'm just yanking your tail.
I'll let you in on a little secret -
To make runefuel for your battery, you need Flowstones. And with The Order running around confiscating them, there aren't many left.
Lucky for you, I stashed a few in the mines a while back. Just need you to get them for me.
Why is The Order confiscating Flow?
Well, the stuff is super potent. Explosive even.
I gave Najuma a flowstone[sic] and she nearly blew Hodari's eyebrows off.
If only she had...
Anyway, with the right expertise, those stones should fix up your battery pretty fast.
And seriously - tell Sifuu we're square after this.

Returning to Zeki with the Flowstones

Flowstone delivery for you.
I've never heard of that type of fish!
You MUUUUST have the wrong Grimalkin.
Not here, kid! Meet me in the Underground later.

Flowstone delivery for you.
Great work. Let's see if I can refine these into runefuel.
You might want to stand back...
Or don't. It won't matter if they explode.
Here... we... go!
Perfect! Still got the magic touch... get it?
Now I just add the runefuel to the battery and... Bam!
Take this and get out of here, before anyone comes sniffing around.

Upon showing Sifuu the overcharged battery

The battery is all charged up!
Wow! You got to see Zeki do magic?
I was kind of hoping it'd explode.
You want some explosions? That's perfect...
I was just thinking you could use an ex-monster hunter on your little trip.
Most adventures I go on end with an explosion, after all.

I should get the battery to Hassian...
So... about that.
I was thinking maybe you could use an ex-monster hunter on your little trip.

You should come with!
Great to hear it! Because I was coming with either way.

I'm not sure about that...
Too bad. I'm not letting you wander off with something this explosive.

I'll grab Hassian and take your battery to the door.
We'll meet you inside and get to adventuring!


  • Dialogue may or may not be influenced by Friendship and/or Romance levels.
  • Players will automatically receive the quest A Catalyzing Caper upon completing this quest.

Update History

Build 0.168.1:

  • Fixed Flowstone bug. Can now properly collect the Flowstone located by the exit.

Build 0.168:

  • Introduced.