Special Dialogues with Tamala

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This page consists of written dialogue lines during romance and special events for Tamala.


ChapaaChuckle.png This article or following section is likely to contain spoilers! Please proceed with caution.

Voice Acting Lines

Missing more lines.

Entering Conversation

Romance Level 1-2
  • Where have you been?
  • I hope you're up for more than just a friendly chat~
  • There you are, my pet~
  • Most of my feelings for you are good.
  • If it isn't the one person I want around.
  • Hope you didn't come out here just for me~
  • Flattery won't get you everywhere!
  • I've been waiting for you~
  • Feels like we haven't talked in ages!
Romance Level 3-4
  • I've missed you, darling!
  • I may have met my match in you~.
  • Ooh! What's this strange feeling?
  • You better have brought me something.
  • I admire your uniqueness.

Exiting conversation

Romance Level 1-2
  • Stay longer - next time.
  • Say hi to Hassian for me.
  • I hate to see you go, but I love to watch you leave.
  • Careful, you don't stare too long.
  • Think of me fondly, 'til we meet again.
  • I'm starting to like having you around~
  • You're growing on me, little lamb.
  • I do enjoy having you around!
  • Try not to miss me too much.
  • Leaving so soon?
Romance Level 3-4
  • Let's make these chats a nightly occurrence.
  • I keep thinking you'll bore me! ...Yet you don't.
  • I hope this is how you'll always remember me.
  • Are you just going to leave me like this?!


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Missing dialogue for Romance Level 1-2 Water and Fire path, and for Romance Level 3-4 Water path.
Oh, this ought to be good. Go on, then. I'm waiting.

I, uh-



You look ravishing today.


Yes, I do. It's good someone notices my efforts, at least. This face isn't cheap.

Gifting Chocolate / Heartdrop Lily

When trying to start a romance with Tamala:

Missing dialogue for Friendship Level 3+

Given Box of Chocolates Box of Chocolates or Heartdrop Lily Heartdrop Lily

While I love your little gesture...
...I'm still not ready to accept all it implies.

Information Needed

After a romance with Tamala has already started:

Missing dialogue.

Given Box of Chocolates Box of Chocolates

Information Needed

Given Heartdrop Lily Heartdrop Lily

Why thank you, darling.
I will gladly accept your gift.
As well as the passion it implies.

Special Events

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Summer Maji Market

This morning I woke up to a letter in my mailbox, inviting me to the Maji Market.
As interesting as it sounds, I won’t be attending. I only venture that far from home for very important reasons. This is not one of them.
You can go if you like. Just don’t expect to see my face there.

Luna New Year Maji Market

  • Oh, is it Luna New Year already? ...Time flies.