Fishing for Answers

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Fishing for Answers is a Found Item Quest started by reading a Lighthouse logbook which you can find in The Old Lighthouse of Bahari Bay.


The lighthouse keeper stood on this docks and launched his letters out to sea. Find them to figure out what happened to him and his friend.


Part 1

Part 2

You've found all of Faadhil's letters. One told Jabarii to meet him at their secret spot, which has a "view of both the aqueduct and the entire bay." If you look there, maybe you will find something.


At Quest Completion


  1. While exploring The Old Lighthouse, you come across an old logbook.
    • Read the whole thing to trigger the quest.
    • Location Spoilers: It's located on a table to the right when you enter the ground floor of the lighthouse.
  2. Sounds like all the letters went into the waters of the bay. Maybe they're still floating around out there.
  3. Find the lighthouse keeper's secret spot.
    • Location Spoilers: Head to the cliffs on the north side of the lighthouse. You will need to take the glider due north off of the circular path around the lighthouse. You are looking for the cliff next to the wall of the aqueduct, past the hollow tube ruin. There is an orange-leafed tree, bent to the left, on top of the cliff. You’re looking for the dirt pile beside the tree.
  4. Find the treasure left behind, and read the accompanying letter.

Dialogue and Mail


Upon reading the logbook in The Old Lighthouse

Lighthouse Logbook: Bahari Bay
 «  Kept by Faadhill  » 

22:00 - Nothing to report.

23:42 - Jabarii and I had an argument. I thought it was trifling, but he will no longer speak to me, no matter how many times I apologize.
 ‹  1 / 7  › 

14:32 - A Bahari ship stopped by to acquire permits to sail to Inyrevn. Despite my pleas, Jabarii has chosen to depart with the ship. 22:00 - Nothing to report.

 ‹  2 / 7  › 

22:00 - Nothing to report.

 ‹  3 / 7  › 

15:10 -Saw a passenger ferry leave Bahari City. 17:12 - A ship arrived with preserved fish from Barafuu. I issued them a permit and directed them to dock in Bahari City, but they have no news of Jabarii. 22:00 - Nothing to report.

 ‹  4 / 7  › 

22:00 - Nothing to report.

 ‹  5 / 7  › 

22:00 - Nothing to report.

 ‹  6 / 7  › 

18.48 - Two ships passed by without stopping. They seem to be making their way from Bahari City to the Capitol. 22:00 - I cannot bear it any longer. Regular mail is useless when I do not know what new address Jabarii occupies. So for now. I will stand upon the dock and throw my messages into sea, praying he will someday pick one up from the shores of Inyrevn.

 ‹  7 / 7  › 


Upon reading the letters fished from the bay


I wish there were some way I could tell you I regret what I said, that I never wanted to make you leave.
Please come home. I miss you.

With all my love,


My tenure at this lighthouse is about to end, and I am being relocated to Akwinduu. But I cannot leave knowing you are still so far away. I will wait for you one last time, every second until I am dragged sway, at our spot, where we shared our first box of chocolates. As I take in the view of both the aqueduct and the entire bay, I will watch for you on the horizon.

I long to see you smile again,


When I watched your ship depart, every fiber of my being longed to see you return to our lighthouse. My post may be re-assigned. Please come home soon.

I am sorry, and I still love you,


Upon reading the letter at the secret spot

My dearest Faadhil,

My days at sea have put out earlier argument into perspective. What sadness passed between us then is nothing compared to the loneliness I feel now. Sunny beaches hold no meaning without you at my side.
I received your letter. Soon, I will seek you in Akwinduu, but just in case, I am leaving a message here, too.
Please accept this gift as my own apology.

I am coming home,


Location Spoilers

Update History

Build 0.166:

  • Introduced.