Open the Door

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Open the Door is a Friendship Quest given by Jina upon reaching Friendship Level 3: Academic Ally.


Jina found the other half of the key! Met up with her to discuss.


Part 1

Part 2

Wait and find out if your answer to the riddle was right or wrong.

  • Wait until you hear from Jina.
↷ Return to Jina

Part 3

To help Jina open the door, look for a place where a scholar might go if they had "a thirst for something more."

  • Solve the second riddle.

Part 4

To help Jina open the door, find the item mentioned in the riddle that "compresses the sands of time."

  • Solve the third riddle.
↷ Return to Jina


At Quest Completion


  1. Jina has been working on the key that you found, and she needs a little help.
  2. Solve the riddle for Jina.
    • If you did not give her the answer, she will figure it out.
    • Answer: The first riddle's answer is "school"
  3. Return to Jina and listen to the next riddle, and try to figure it out.
    • Optional: Speak to Einar for clues to the second riddle.
    • Hint: The structure in the middle of the village used to be a fountain.
    • Answer: The second riddle's answer is the broken fountain in the center of Kilima Village. Interact with the triangle on the side that faces Jel's Tailor Store.
  4. Find a solution to the third and final riddle.
    • Hint: An image of the item required is shown in the quest log for this step.
    • Answer: The third riddle's answer is a Pearl.
  5. Return to Jina with the final solution to the riddle in hand.

Dialogue and Mail


Letter from Jina

Dear (Player),
You'll never believe what I found! Uh...actually you're pretty smart so I bet you will. Meet me by the ruins when you get a chance.

Jina Profile.png Jina


Upon speaking with Jina

Any luck with the key?
So...uh. Good news, Hekla and I found the key.
Bad didn't unlock the door, some runes just started to glow along the edges. Hekla tells me it's some kind of a riddle.
One that I... don't understand. It was written by ancient Humans, so I thought uh, maybe you might be able to help us figure it out.

I'm not optimistic, but I'll try.

Don't worry, I've got this.

Thank you SO much. Here it is...
There is a house. One enters it knowing all and leaves knowing nothing.

Kenli's office!
I don't think ancient humans knew about Kenli, but if they did that would be perfect. I'll do a little thinking and let you know what I come up with.

A school.
Hmmm... you know that makes an odd sort of sense. Because when you're ignorant you think you know more than when you are wise.

Upon returning to Jina

Okay, so I told the door the answer and some new runes started to glow.
It says, "The key you hold shows a thirst for knowledge, but the next clue for entering these hallowed doors requires a thirst for something more."
Any idea what that could mean?

No clue.
Maybe you could think on it and let me know if you come up with something?

Thirst… could it be water?
Yeah, maybe the clue is hidden somewhere with water!
Good thinking. I'll look in the pond around here and you can look around other water sources.

Upon speaking to Einar for clues

? You know where a place where a thirsty scholar might go [sic]?
There is not an institution of higher learning here at present.
But in the time of the first humans, this entire valley was devoted to the scholastic arts.
I suppose if one of the pupils found themselves in need of liquid sustenance, they could have satiated their thirst at the old fountain located in the village center.

Upon speaking to Hekla for clues

Information Needed. Dialogue transcript missing, if any.

Third riddle at the location from the second riddle.

In figuring out the clue rests in this fountain, you deserve much congratulations. But gaining entrance to the library requires passing but one final test. You must find a stone that represents the sands of time. Slip that gem into the hilt of your key, and you shall have your revelry.

Receive Gold.png 1 Gold


Upon returning to Jina

"Explain your findings"
So you're saying that the statue in the middle of town was actually a fountain?
And the clue about requiring "a thirst for something more" was the water in the fountain?
Okay, and when you got to the fountain there was another clue...
It said the door we've been trying to open is an old library and I need to put a "stone that represents the sands of time" into the hilt of the key to open the door...
And you deduced the stone must be a pearl since a pearl is made from sand plus pressure over time. Right?

That was my thinking.

I just thought it would look cool.
I can't tell if you're joking...

Well, I guess there's no harm in trying it out.
Now let me slip the pearl into the key. Here we go. And voila!
Why don't you go open the door since you did all the work?


Solution to second riddle
The picture shows the broken fountain in the cetner of Kilima Village and a red circle showing where the triangle is to interact with on the fountain to solve the part 2 riddle

After the quest is complete, the door Jina is referencing is the large door found at the Mirror Pond Ruins.

Update History

Build 0.168:

  • Players stuck on the riddle can now ask Einar for a hint.
  • Missing dialogue options have been fixed.

Build 0.167:

  • Players let us know that Jina’s Level 3 friendship questline hid too many secrets. So, we’ve added a hint about where scholars “with a thirst for something more” might go. Try chatting with one of our helpful Galdurs!

Build 0.165:

  • Introduced.