Quest Pouch

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The Quest Pouch, identified by the Exclamation Mark icon, is a section of the Inventory and displays all Quest Items carried by The Player.

For more information, see: Backpack and Ammo Pouch


Access the Inventory via the Player Menu by using key on PC ( on Switch), or via the quick access key / on PC; Inventory is the first item on the Switch menu, so clicking after could be quick.

From there, select the Exclamation Mark tab to view the Quest Pouch.

The Quest Pouch is organized into five rows of eight slots, for a total of 40 slots.

Quest Pouch Slots

Slot Capacity

Typically quest items do not stack, so it is one quest item per slot. Any quest item that cannot fit into the Quest Pouch will automatically transfer to the Player's General Storage.

Quest Pouch Upgrades

The Player begins with all five rows (40 slots) unlocked, so there is no need to purchase upgrades for the Quest Pouch.

Update History

Build 0.176:

  • Introduced