Sins of the Father

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Sins of the Father is a Friendship given by Auni upon reaching Friendship Level 5: Loyal Listener.


Auni has asked you to return a book to its owner. Read it to see who it belongs to.


Part 1

  • Read the book from Auni.

Part 2

Auni found one of Ashura's old logbooks. If you return it to him, maybe he can explain what he's written inside.

Part 3

To help Ashura with his nightmares, you will have to learn about his past and the Umbraan War. Get a history book by talking to Caleri while she is at the library. The other villagers may also have something to say.

  • Talk to Caleri when she is working at the Library.
  • Optional: 0/9 Talk to other villagers about the war.

Part 4

Learn about Ashura's past and the Umbraan War by reading the history book Caleri showed you.

  • Read the history book.
↷ Return to Ashura

Part 5

Thanks to your friendship, Ashura has finally told you about his role in the war. Help him make an offering to Sabine, so he can tell her, too.

↷ Return to Ashura

Part 6

You've helped Ashura confront the past, but he still has to tell Nuroo the truth. Hopefully, he will let you know how it goes.

Part 7

Ashura has written his letter to Nuroo, but he could use a little help sending it out. Meet him at his room in the inn to give him one last bit of encouragement.


At Quest Completion


  • Talk to Auni at the players house plot to start.
  • Read the book that Auni gives you.
  • Bring the book to Ashura.
  • Optional: Talk to 9 different villagers to learn more about the Umbraan War.
  • Talk to Caleri about the history of the Umbraan War.
  • Read the book A Fight With No Victor in the back of the library and learn more about the Umbraan War.
  • Return to Ashura and let him know you have learned more about the Umbraan War.
  • Collect the materials to prepare an offering to Sabine for Ashura.

Dialogue and Mail


Upon speaking to Auni at the players house

Hey, (Player)! I, uh, could kinda use your help.
There was a really cool dragonfly behind the inn, and I was chasing it and chasing it. When I tripped over this book.
The bug got away!
But then I didn't know what to do with the book.
It's not from the library. I even skimmed the beginning- it was really boring- but I still couldn't find a name inside.
So I brought it to you! The most responsible adult I know!
Why don't you read this book, figure out who it belongs to, and give it back to it's owner? Thanks!


Upon reading Logbook 14

Sins of the Father

To Do:

Order new linens to replace the ones that were eaten by chapaas last week.
Prep tonight's dinner service. Lots of carrots to chop this time.

Upon speaking to Ashura

I found your logbook.
Oh, so that's where that thing went. Pesky Chapaas running off with everything nowadays.
I guess you read it, then?
It's alright. I'm not mad. You were doing a good thing, trying to find the book's owner.
But now I feel I should explain those last few pages... where I wrote about the Umbraan War...
It was a war where... where...
Actually, no, it'll be easier this way: do you have a specific question about the war, (Player)?

Did you fight in it?
... I...

Did you win?
... I...

Do you have a cool scar?
... I...

You don't have to say anything.
... I...

Now, you know I'd love to tell you. You're my friend, and I want to tell you. But I... there are some things I don't know if I'm ready to talk about.
Tell you what, it'd be easier on me if you have more background information first.
Why don't you talk to some other folks first? Or head to the library and talk to Caleri. Some historian must've written a book by now.

Optional: Upon speaking to the villagers

Do you know anything about the Umbraan War? (Eshe)
Can you tell me about the Umbraan War? (Other villagers)

Wait! Isn't that how Ashura became a war hero? He won't tell me anything about it! I'm so, so mad!

Ain't got much to say. I was just a kid during the War, and even then all the grown-ups were like "leaf well enough alone."

Indeed. I was a young man, and I volunteered as a medic. Even then, I learned how fighting could touch even the most remote communities.
Those on the front lines must have seen even worse. It would not surprise me if Ashura was still marked by some of those memories.

Now, now, dearie. It's not good manners to dig up what might be bad memories.

Of course, I do! I witnessed the event from my seat in the capital. A seat right next to the Awkinduu queen, mind you.
I was such a promising young woman, then. Oh, those were the days... every afternoon in court was filled with intrigue!
I mean, did you know the queen prefers her oysters... raw?!

Was pretty young then, so I didn't care much.
But I 'member the family mine churning' out tons of ore for weapons. Business ain't been so good since.

Oh... the very idea of violence makes my hat spin!
I was just a boy at the time. My dear grandmother let me spend time at her estate to calm my anxious nerves.
It must have worked very well. I barely remember a thing!

I'm not that old! And it's not like Ashura tells me more than when the groceries are going to be delivered.

Sorry, kiddo, but I ain't no history buff.
But you know if I'd been there, I totally woulda cracked some heads!

Upon speaking to Caleri

Do you have books on the Umbraan War?
Really? You spoke to Ashura about that?
Hmm... I suppose Palian history counts as a worthwhile reason for knowledge.
Very well. We should have a relevent tome towards the back of the library. You may find it a little... biased, but it is the only one we have, unfortunately.

Upon reading A Fight With No Victor

Upon speaking to Ashura after reading the book

I learned more about the Umbraan War.
Over thirty years, and the war still haunts me.
I almost don't want to say it, (Player) but... I was the assassin sent by the Republic. Me.
The tunnels. They're dark. We got seperated [sic]. Picked off one by one. My teammates... some of them died on that mission.
I was alone. I couldn't see, but I could hear. And I thought I heard her.
The Umbraan Queen.
I thought, "This is it. One blow, and all this fighting will be over."
I attacked.
My blade landed. But I was wrong. It wasn't the Queen.
I... I killed her daughter. I killed a child.
But it ended the war. Later, I had a son and... Well, that's why I never wanted Nuroo to join the military, to make the same mistakes I did.

But it was an accident!
I've told myself that, but it doesn't change how I feel.

You can't change the past.
That's true. But... I'm still not sure how to continue into the future.

I'm sorry.
Yeah, me too. Yet saying "sorry" doesn't even begin to cover it.

Are you okay?
...I... I don't know.

These feelings... they're hard to describe.
You know, I didn't think it'd help, but telling you... I don't feel better about what I did, but carrying that weight's gotten a little lighter. Thanks, (Player).
Heh, can't believe I'm spilling it all to you when I never told Sabine... or Nuroo... It hurt too much just imagining how they'd react. Especially Nuroo.

I'm sure he'd understand!
You really think so? Guess he would now that he's got a child of his own.

You're still his dad.
Guess that's true. And that's something that'll never change.

He's not dead. He can still forgive you.
You've got a fair point. You always surprise me by looking at the brighter side of life.

You'll never know if you don't tell him.
I suppose that's true. Guess I'm just scared he'll never look at me the same.

But you're right, (Player). I wish I could take back the aweful things I did, but maybe talking about 'em is the only way to keep 'em from happening again.
I think... I think I should tell Sabine first. Will you help me prepare some incense for her? I think I'll make her favorite three-course dinner, too. Then maybe... maybe I'll finally be ready to talk to Nuroo.

Optional: speaking to Caleri after reading the book

So, what did you think of our history with Umbraa?

I gotta know more!
Well, you cannot!

That was pretty useless.
Useless? How dare you! No book is useless!

I've read more interesting gum wrappers.
Was it one of Zeki's? That man has terrible taste in graphic design.

How can I learn more?
Hmph. Your curiosity will get you in trouble one day.

Nevertheless, this is all the library is authorized to provide. If you want to know more, you'll have to ask elsewhere.
You see, books on the War, especially volumes from Umbraa, are heavily restricted within the Republic... I certainly wonder why.
Despite my best efforts, I have been unable to obtain any for our library. So if you ever happen upon one, consider bringing it to me, yes?

Upon returning to Ashura with the materials

I've prepared the offering.
Ah, this is perfect.
You know, since we had that little chat... my nightmares have gotten easier. I still wake up sweating, but... it's like she's there again.
I think she knows I've got something to tell her. Bet she's been waiting for me to say it this whole time.
She always had a knack for these things. And I know once I'd said it, she'd want me to tell Nuroo, too.
Thank you, (Player) for helping me face the past. I'll let you know how it goes.

Letter from Ashura

Dear (Player),
I did it. And it was all thanks to you.

I brought the offering to Sabine's grave, and it was almost like she was still there, laughing over dinner. She loved pies, after all. And dumplings, too. Because they're just very small pies. Having told you first, it was a lot easier to tell her.

I think I'm almost ready to send the letter to Nuroo, but I could use a little moral support. Do you think you could drop by the inn when you have time? Thanks.

Ashura Profile.png Ashura


Upon speaking to Ashura after receiving the letter

So, I went to Sabine's grave, and we had a nice talk. It's funny, (Player). Even though she's gone, I know exactly what she'd say.
She would've told me that everyone has regrets, and learning to live with them is how we grow.
Same thing she'd say when I had nightmares. She was always pretty perceptive. Thinking of her gave me the strength to write my letter to Nuroo.
This letter... this one... has everything.
To be honest... I'm a little nervous to send it.

Everything will go fine!
If you say so. Thanks for staying so upbeat through all this. It helps me to see the bright side in things.

He should know the truth.
You are right. I may be his father, but he is a grown man. I should not be hiding things from him.

Are you chickening out?
No, no... We've come way too far for that.

It's okay to be nervous.
I suppose we can't help how we feel. I shouldn't let that stop me.

Yes ... Nuroo will understand. And if anything, Lily will be better off knowing who her grandfather is, both good and bad parts.
Couldn't just walk away without getting you something, though.
Sabine taught me how to whittle, to give my hands something to do on nights I couldn't sleep. I'm sleeping better now, but I still wanted to make this for you.
Thanks, (Player). For reminding me that no matter what's in the past, there's still the future to look forward to.


  • Currently the Logbook stays in the Player's quest item inventory.

Update History

Build 0.179:

  • Introduced.