Special Dialogues with Subira

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This page consists of written dialogue lines during romance and special events for Subira.


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Voice Acting Lines

Entering Conversation

Missing Romance Level 1-2 voice lines.
Romance Level 1-2
  • What's a little, uh...detective work between... friends?
  • I require someone capable... For this task.
  • I have something for you: It's a mission.
  • I was... hoping to see you.
  • I'm happy to see you-are doing well!
  • May we speak for a moment?
  • I've been thinking about...our work together.
  • I...need your help. Yes, specifically yours.
  • There is something I want to look into, with You.
  • (More TBA)
Romance Level 3-4
  • There is, uh... no.. protocol for this.
  • Every case I find myself wishing you were alongside me.
  • We mustn't let people see us like this.
  • Do you think anyone saw us?
  • I never thought life.. could be like this.
  • I... I really like working with you.
  • Your presence... it makes this job easier.
  • Do you have a moment for me?
  • Were you waiting? ....For me?
  • I... I've been thinking of you as I work.

Exiting conversation

Missing Romance Level 1-2 voice lines.
Romance Level 1-2
  • You are my favorite... Colleague.
  • I've never felt like this before about a... Partnership.
  • I will always help you any way I can.
  • You've...peaked my curiousity.
  • If you ever need anything, never hesitate to ask.
  • You have my word.
  • Has my...work made you feel safer?
  • Your ideas, they... Fascinate me.
  • (More TBA)
Romance Level 3-4
  • Maybe we could.. take a break together sometime.
  • I find my deepest desire's to protect... you.
  • I'm counting the seconds until we can meet again.
  • I've never been this... close to anyone before.
  • Have we... crossed.. a line?
  • This is... getting dangerous.
  • It's easier to unravel a mystery than these emotions.


Here. A bowl of congee, to keep your strength up.

I hope the flavor is to your liking.

After all, there is still... much I would like to do with you.

+ Congee Congee (will be flavored depending on quest reward at end of Quest Icon.png Extravagant Expectations

Before I met you, I never considered bending the rules.
I know why they are in place, and what they are meant to protect. Attachment breeds vulnerability. Vulnerability can be exploited...

And you... make me feel vulnerable, (Player).

But I do not think you would do that, (Player). I... trust you.
And I am sure that trust is not misplaced.

You... are not the first one to try and tempt me with flowers and chocolates.

...Not that I am telling you to stop. What you do with your gifts is your choice. Ahem.

But you are the first to succeed.
I should feel guilty, perhaps, that I folded so easily to your charms.
...But I don't. And I do not think I ever will.

In all my time traveling Palia, I have never met someone quite like you, (Player).

Is that a good thing?

Yes, yes it is.
It is my hope that our paths keep you at my side for many missions to come.

The way you make my heart race and my mind go blank?
Not always. It is a dangerous thing, how I feel when you are near.
More dangerous still how I would do anything to keep you at my side, despite the risk.

I feel the same way!

Yes, I suppose it is rare to come across a member of the Order in one's daily life.
That... is what you meant, correct?

That sets my heart at ease. I will do my best to be worthy of your esteem, (Player).

It is against Order policy to engage in dalliances. But I suppose the rules say nothing of... simply chatting.

Is that all you want to do with me? Chat?
...There are many things I would like to do, (Player).
But chatting... chatting is safe. For now.

The rules only apply if you get caught.
I suppose you must think your carefree attitude charming.
...It is. But I unfortunately cannot afford to share it.
Regardless of how much I would like to.

I... appreciate your gifts, truly. But I am afraid I have very little of my own to give in return.

I'll take holdings hands in secret behind the Inn.

I- I suppose there is nothing in the rules about touching hands. I have shook many of them on missions...
If you believe it will assist in... teambuilding, I will consider it.

I would much rather meet somewhere more... private than behind the Inn.
And hold more than simply your hands.

All I need is your company.

I am quite busy with this investigation... but I suppose I can take some time out of the schedule to spend with you.
If that is what you would like, that is.

Perhaps you could come visit again later, when I have... more time to devote to you?
I will ensure I keep my schedule clear.

I accept compliments.

Ah. Well, you are very... capable, and... distinguished. I am lucky to have a partner like you.
A work partner, that is!

I fear that no words can adequately describe how highly I regard you... but I will try.
You are beautiful, but not only beautiful. Smart, but that is just one of your many qualities.
Driven. Talented. Hard-working. You make my heart race simply by looking my way.
Ahem. I... got a little carried away. But hopefully those compliments will suffice.

I love local flowers!

I have very little free time in which to go flower picking... but I will keep an eye out, the next time I patrol.

I will remember that, (Player).

(Player)! Good, it has not wilted yet. I saw this while out on patrol and thought of you.
I hope you will accept it.
+ Crystal Lake Lotus Crystal Lake Lotus

Ah, (Player). Is there... something you require?


Is there a matter that requires a Watcher? I will place it at the top of my list.

You do not need to ask for what you already have, (Player).

Just wanted to say hi!

Yes, well... hello, (Player).

Just... hello?
Not that there is anything wrong with exchanging greetings. Ahem.
I simply... find I always yearn for more when it comes to you.

Oh, (Player). I was... ah, hoping to see you.

Well, here I am. Feel free to clap.

You certainly have an... interesting way of speaking. I don't think I have met anyone like you in the Order.
That is a compliment, (Player). Even if I was not clapping.

For you I might very well consider it.

I come see you every day.

Life can change in a single moment... but until it does, I will appreciate the company.

I... cannot express how much that means to me, (Player). If only I could be so free to come to you every time I long for it.

I wanted to see you too!

I said nothing about... desire. A-after all, as a member of the Order, I do not have any of that. Ahem.

Strange, how you can still make everything feel so... exciting, and new. I hope I never get used to this feeling.


Ah, yes. Your... insights on cases are quite valuable. You are a valued... friend.

I have never felt this way about another person, (Player). It is... frightening, how much I think about you when you are gone.

You have a... peculiar look in your eye today, (Player).

Just wondering how you got so impressive.

I- well. Ahem, I am just doing my job. There is nothing impressive about that.
You on the other hand... N-nevermind.

High praise, coming from someone as accomplished as yourself.
If I am impressive, it is only because I work hard to be worthy of your affection.

Sorry, I just get so distracted by you.

The world is far too dangerous for you to be so distracted, (Player).
And I... would not like to see harm come to you.

It is getting dangerous, how similarly I feel when you are around.

I'm thinking about the best way to ask you out.

Y-yes, well. Perhaps I have time later, for an outing. Among friends and coworkers, of course.

You do not need to ask, (Player). I'll always make time for you. Simply say the word.

I was trying to think of a good line... but I got nothin'.

While I enjoy your wit, it is not the only thing I like about you, (Player).

Yes, well. I can think of a few lines I would like to use on you.
If you are free later, perhaps, we can go somewhere private and practice... together.

Missing Romance 1-2 for Air and Earth. Missing romance 3-4 for Air, Earth, Fire and Water.
I have never had a... friend quite like you.

They'll write history books about how 'friendly' we were.



You know I like you more than that.



I don't usually want to kiss my other friends.

I- (Player)! You-
That is, I have never-
A-ahem. I really must be going now. There is quite a lot of work to do.


Just friends?

I... ahem. Unless the Order suddenly changes the rules, I'm afraid that is all we can afford to be.
My... wants count for very little in this matter.


Gifting Chocolate / Heartdrop Lily

When trying to start a romance with Subira:

Given Box of Chocolates Box of Chocolates or Heartdrop Lily Heartdrop Lily

Missing Friendship level 1-3 dialogue. Missing Earth and Water dialogue for Friendship 4+.


A gift? How considerate-
This. This is a romantic gift.
Ahem. While I appreciate the consideration, romance is forbidden for members of the Order.
So, unfortunately, I cannot accept this. Regardless of how much I would like to.
(Subira continues to hold the gift in her hands. She has not returned it to you, despite her words.)

Oh... I understand.

Can I have it back then?

Keep it anyways!
If you are sure, (Player). I will treasure it.
The way I would treasure any gift from a trusted friend, of course!

What kind of lame rule is that?
It is meant to protect the citizens. If an Order member has no strong ties, they are able to remain impartial.
Of course, I do not worry you would use our connection against me...
If we had... such a connection. Which we do not, since we are only friends.

I shall take my leave now. There is still much to do. I... will speak to you later, yes?
(The gift you handed to Subira remains in her arms as she takes her leave.)

Follow up at the Player's Housing Plot

I have not been able to stop thinking about our conversation since it ended.
I am afraid if I do not get these feelings under control, the mission will suffer.
And yet, I felt that the only way to do so... was to come see you.
What kind of feelings?
I should not name them. To do so may give them even more power over me.
But I-
I missed you. And I worried that the way things ended, you might keep your distance from now on.
That... is something that I would very much like to avoid.

I can't stay away from you, Subira.
I would not want you to.
I... like you, (Player). In a way that the Order explicitly forbids. Yet I feel it all the same.

You want me close?
I say I will not name my feelings, and yet you ask all the same.
Yes. I want you close. I find my thoughts straying to you often. Even when I try to get them under control.
I like you, (Player). And everything I have ever been taught growing up in the Order says I am not allowed to.

I'm getting mixed messages.
You are right. If I cannot speak plainly, I should not be wasting your time.
I like you, (Player). Despite all the rules clearly telling me that I should not.

I'm confused. Do you like me or nah?
I say I will not name my feelings, and yet you ask all the same.
Yes, I like you, (Player). In a way that the Order explicitly forbids.
Yet I feel it all the same.

Well. I have said it, and yet speaking it aloud does not change the rules I am beholden to.
No matter how we might feel, it cannot go any further than this. Best we cut it off at the pass.

Sooo, no more flirting?
There is... nothing explicitly forbidden in the rules about... friendly banter. Or receiving gifts, as long as they do not exceed a five hundred gold weekly limit.
As long as we both agree that we are... friends, having friendly conversation. Very friendly conversation.

Is this what you want?
No. No, it is not.
I suppose we have not done anything expressly forbidden yet. There is... nothing in the rules about... friendly banter.
As long as we both understand what that means.

Sure, 'friends'.
Good. We understand each other.

Am I allowed to think my friends are hot?
I- well, I do not have any control over what you think about your friends, (Player).

Now then. I should return to my investigation.
I am glad we spoke. I feel much more focused now that we have cleared the air.
I will see you soon, (Player). I hope the two of us can become... closer.

After a romance with Subira has already started:

Given Box of Chocolates Box of Chocolates

Missing Romance Level 4 dialogue. Currently does not advance Romance.

How thoughtful! I will keep these with the rest of the... uh... evidence. Yes, evidence.


Given Heartdrop Lily Heartdrop Lily

Missing Romance Level 4 dialogue. Currently does not advance Romance.

How thoughtful! I will keep these with the rest of the... uh... evidence. Yes, evidence.


Special Events

ChapaaChuckle.png This article or following section is likely to contain spoilers! Please proceed with caution.

Summer New Year Maji Market

  • Subira was not present for the 2023 Summer market.
  • Future dialogues TBA

Luna New Year Maji Market

Happy Luna New Year, (Player). Do spend some time with your loved ones if you can.
I... will be here, if you need anything.