Dialogue with Subira about Gifts

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This page consists of written gift dialogue lines for Subira.

After First Gift

  • Subira is not interested in Starstones and will not give a wallpaper.


  • Subira is not interested in Starstones and will not accept them.


ChapaaChuckle.png This article or following section is likely to contain spoilers! Please proceed with caution.

Requesting Chili Oil Dumplings Chili Oil Dumplings

Every once in a while, I have a craving for something spicy and flavorful. Chili oil dumplings would be ideal right now.

Requesting Dari Cloves Dari Cloves

I am in search of something to pair with my next meal. Dari cloves would be a suitable addition, I think.

Requesting Enchanted Pupfish Enchanted Pupfish, Long Nosed Unicorn Fish Long Nosed Unicorn Fish

I find fish to be such fascinating creatures. These days, I am interested in the (enchanted pupfish/long-nosed unicorn fish). If you happen to reel one in, I would be glad to take it off your hands.

Requesting Fisherman's Brew Fisherman's Brew, Hearty Vegetable Soup Hearty Vegetable Soup, Poke Bowl Poke Bowl, Stuffed Cabbage Rolls Stuffed Cabbage Rolls, Sashimi Sashimi

It has been a long couple of days. It would be nice to rejuvenate myself with (fisherman's brew / a steaming bowl of hearty vegetable soup / a poke bowl / a plate of cabbage rolls / a plate of sashimi).

Requesting Fur Fur, Sernuk Hide Sernuk Hide

I have been touching up and repairing some of my equipment and could use (fur/hide) for the task. I would greatly appreciate if you could bring me some.

Requesting Gold Bar Gold Bar, Iron Bar Iron Bar

Every so often, the Order will find itself in need of additional supplies for our missions. We are currently in need of (gold, iron) bar. Should you stumble across any, it would be greatly appreciated if you would share some with me.

Requesting Spice Sprouts Spice Sprouts

A cup of hot tea would be quite nice right now... Perhaps if I get my hands on some spice sprouts, I could brew myself some spice sprout tea.

Requesting Spicy Rice Cakes Spicy Rice Cakes

Every once in a while, I have a craving for something spicy and chewy to eat. Spicy rice cakes would be ideal right now.

Requesting Wild Green Onion Wild Green Onion

Green onions are a flavor necessity in many dishes, particularly ones that include meat of some kind.
If you happen to have any, I would like to include it in my next meal.

Requests For Other Villagers

  • (TBA)


General Acceptance

A gift, for me? Thank you. I will find a good use for this.

I quite like this. Thank you for your generosity.


General Rejection

I am sorry, but I cannot accept this. Please take it back.

Duplicate Weekly Gift

It has not been long since you last gave me something like this, yes?
My apologies, but I cannot accept any more of it at the moment.

Specific Rejection

  • (TBA)

Specific Responses

ChapaaChuckle.png This article or following section is likely to contain spoilers! Please proceed with caution.

Given Any Arrow, Any Firework

This will come in handy during my missions. Thank you.

Given Azure Chapaa Tail Azure Chapaa Tail

The Order could always use additional supplies like this for our missions. Your generosity is greatly appreciated.

Given Chili Oil Dumplings Chili Oil Dumplings

Ah, this is for me? Thank you. The taste of chili oil dumplings never grows old. The heat only brings out the flavors.

Given certain Dishes, Fisherman's Brew Fisherman's Brew

These past few days, I have struggled to decide what it is I want to eat for dinner. I suppose you have made that choice for me today. Thank you, (Player).

Given Any Fish

What a magnificent creature. Thank you, (Player). I will ensure that it is properly cared for.

Given Grilled Mushroom Grilled Mushroom, Grilled Meat Grilled Meat, Grilled Fish Grilled Fish

I do enjoy a grilled meal from time to time, especially when I am traveling. There is something soothing about it. Thank you, (Player).

Given Heat Root Heat Root, Sweet Leaf Sweet Leaf

Thank you. This will brew into a nice tea... or pair perfectly with my next meal.

Given Spitfire Cicada Spitfire Cicada

How did you know I was searching for this? Did Auni tell you?
Regardless, thank you for bringing me one. It is even more beautiful than I expected. After taking a look, I will make sure to release it in a safe place.