Fiction Fan

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Fiction Fan is a Found Item Quest started by inspecting a locked book inside the Restricted Section of the Library.


You have discovered a tome locked up tight in the Restricted Section of the library. Perhaps Caleri can shed some light on it?


Part 1

You have discovered a tome locked up tight in the Restricted Section of the library. Perhaps Caleri can shed some light on it?

  • Ask Caleri about the imprisoned book.

Part 2

Caleri has given you permission to collect the book and deliver it to Elouisa.

  • Collect the book.

Part 3

Caleri has given you permission to collect the book and deliver it to Elouisa.

  • Deliver the book to Elouisa.


During Quest

At Quest Completion


  1. Inspect the book locked inside a case, inside the Restricted Section of the Library.
    • A book sits inside a display case that seems to have six or seven locks on it, and runes carved into the wood housing it. Whatever is contained inside, it must be dangerous.
  2. Speak to Caleri and learn about the book.
  3. Collect the book and take it to Elouisa.

Dialogue and Mail


Speak to Caleri

(Ask about the locked-up book.)
Oh, that? It's nothing, keep your hands off it!
That makes me want to touch it more.
Curiosity killed the palcat, (Player). It doesn't do to go sticking your nose where it doesn't belong.

If you say so...
I do, in fact, say so.
Well, I suppose you have been a trustworthy enough friend to bear this knowledge with me.
Locked inside that case is the last in a series of books chronicling the Fall of Humanity.
And before you get excited, let me assure you that it is a fictional series, based solely upon a dream the author had while camping in some ruins.
Elouisa hasn’t stopped talking about them since she read the first one. Every night at dinner, it is the same thing.
I find it quite poorly written, personally. Mudeel’s characterization is hazy at best, and his relationship with Sadun lacks both spice and depth.
So why do you have it?
I have confiscated it from Elouisa. If I have to sit through one more dinner listening to her obsess over this book, I will lose what little sense remains after so many nights.
What if you make her promise not to talk about it?
I tried that already. She lasted thirty minutes.

Has confiscating it worked?
...No. No it has not.

That seems kinda unfair.
As I'm sure you are aware, and as my father so often loved to say, life is rarely fair.

Not every book needs to be a masterpiece.
I have no problem with Elouisa reading this slop. I just don't want to hear about it anymore.
...I suppose that it would not hurt to give her one more chance.
Perhaps she just needs someone else to talk about this serve with.
Someone like you.
Fine. Take the book and deliver it to her if you will. At the very least, perhaps the new volume will distract her for a few days until she finishes it.


Speak to Elouisa

Dialogue missing for Fire path.
Book delivery for you!
Is... is that what I think it is?
The third volume! Where did you get this? Who sent you?
What dark deeds did you commit-
No, no, it’s better I don’t know.
That way they can’t use me as a witness against you.
I will remember this, (Player). Perhaps I'll even lend you the series once I'm done rereading it for the tenth time!
Is it really that good?
Good? GOOD? Mere words do not do it justice, (Player).
I have never read a series that has so wholly gripped me like this. It’s everything.
I wont dare spoil you, that’ll take half the fun of it. You’ll simply have to wait and see!

I can't wait to read it!

As long as it has pictures.
I have a collection of reader-drawn illustrations in my room that I may be able to share with you.
You see, some other fans and I enjoy writing down our theories and inspired works in magazines that we then trade with each other through the post!

I'll pass.
That's only because you haven't had a chance to experience them yet.
Trust me, once you start reading, you can't put them down!
I'd better get to it, then. I heard Volume Three hits seven hundred thousand words!


I'll Taste Your Name Like Blood, Vol 3

"You can't turn from this," he says, ignoring the blade pointed at his throat. His hands, slick with mud, reach out to grip the blade as if he can shake some sense into its wielder.

"I won't let you. If you run, I'll follow. If you hide, I'll find you. Nothing will keep me from your side, Mudeel."

His sworn brother scoffs, though it sounds half like a laugh, and half like a sob. After all they've been through, after every battle, was it not Sadan[sic] by his side? Comforting him even when his wife could not, a steady presence in the darkness? Of course he should not expect different now, at the end of all things.

Stupid, kind, naive Sadun. He knows now, as he's denied for the past decade of war, that he loves this foolish man.
 ‹  1 / 5  › 

"This time, Sadun, you cannot follow." The words nearly break both their hearts, but Mudeel continues. His nails dig into his own palm, if only to stop him from twisting the blade. Despite it all, he's never wished his best friend gone. Even after all he took from him. All they took from each other.

Sadun lurches forward, ignoring the sword's threat. Mudeel swears, pulling the blade away at the last moment and letting it clatter to the dirt at their feet. The look on Sadun's face is smug, the same one he makes when they spar and he pulls off a particularly tricky maneuver. Even after all this, he can't believe Mudeel will truly hurt him.

"You were saying?" Sadun murmurs against the side of his head, gathering him in his arms. Mudeel tenses- more to keep himself from melting into the touch. From collapsing under the weight of it all and hiding in Sadun's arms like he once did.
 ‹  2 / 5  › 

"We can figure this out. Together." Sadun's hands, rough and callused from a life of protecting the king before him, running over his back in soothing circles. It's almost enough. Almost too much, in fact, the touch consuming him like Phoenixfire. He shoves him away roughly, panting with the effort. Sadun's always been bigger, after all.

"I'm trying to save your life, you fool!" Mudeel snaps, eyes wide with fear. Fear, and longing, and aching desire.

"You can save it by stopping this nonsense. Come with me." Sadun's hand slides down Mudeel's arm, holding him. Waiting, expectantly. Foolishly, maybe, for an answer Mudeel can't give him.
 ‹  3 / 5  › 

He wants to say yes. He's never wanted anything more in his life. But he can hear the Oracle's words in his mind, a warning and a curse spoken in the dead of night, and he knows.

Even if they can never be together, he'd rather the man before him be alive to hate him, than dead and locked away in his memories next to his wife.

"Alright," he says, swallowing hard. Dropping his gaze to the rainwater gathering by their feet.

"Alright?" Sadun repeats, his lips twitching. Mudeel won't look, won't dare to see the hope in his eyes.
 ‹  4 / 5  › 

"Alright," Mudeel says again, gathering Sadun into his arms. Wrapping his arms tight around his sworn brother. Sadun doesn't even feel it, when he sends a jolt of Flow through his veins, wishing him into unconsciousness.

His sworn brother collapses to the ground, face slack, mouth still twisted in a smile.

Mudeel steps away, clears his throat, and calls out to one of his soldiers.

"Take him back across the border. The rest of you, prepare to march!" He has a war to win, after all.
 ‹  5 / 5  › 

Update History

Build 0.177:

  • Introduced.