Prove Your Devotion

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Prove Your Devotion is a Main Quest given by Eshe upon completion of Quest Icon.png Strong Foundations. This quest must be completed alongside Quest Icon.png Prove Your Generosity and Quest Icon.png Prove Your Purpose to move on to the next.


In order to become a member of the community, you have to prove yourself in the Majiri virtues. Learn about Majiri culture to prove your devotion to your new home. Since Jina is an archaeologist, she should be able to tell you about the area's roots.


Part 1

Part 2

Jina told you to learn more about the past, you need to check out the ruins in Bahari Bay. To locate Bahari Bay, head towards the gate icon on the far right side of your map.

↷ Return to Jina

Part 3

Next you'll need to learn about the present. Jina told you that Hassian can tell you more.

  • Learn about the present from Hassian.

Part 4

The actions we take now are important for securing a successful future. To learn about the present, plant a wild tree. First, find a seed by chopping wood. Next, go to your plot and select the seed on the action bar.

  • Plant five wild trees on your plot.
↷ Return to Hassian

Part 5

Hassian told you your last task in proving your devotion is to learn about the future.

  • Learn about the future from Chayne.

Part 6

Death is an important part of life. To show you respect the future we all share, place a candle at the Rememberance Garden by pressing "F" at the appropriate site. NOTE: The site should be marked on your map..[sic]

↷ Return to Chayne

Part 7

Return to Eshe to tell her what you've learn [sic] about the past, present, and future.


At Quest Completion


  1. Eshe said that you have to learn a few things before you can become a proper member of the community. Learn about Majiri virtues!
  2. Talk to Jina to learn about the past. She will ask you to go to a hilltop in Bahari Bay to pay your respects.
    • Just east of the Pavel House there is a hill you can either climb up on the side, or use the bridge on the north side behind the Pavel Workshop to reach the top.
    • You can either climb up from the side of the hill or go around from behind the Pavel workshop. There is a bridge on top that connects to the ruins.
    • After paying respects, a message pops up. (See Notes.)
  3. Let Jina know of your visit. Then she will then send you to Hassian to learn about the present. His way is not straight forward, but nonetheless, do your best to learn!
  4. Plant some trees!
    • You can plant any combination of Acorn Acorn, Juniper Seed Juniper Seed, Pinecone Pinecone and Samara Samara. The drop is random, so be patient!
    • You must have a Standard Axe or better because only Adult and Mature trees drop seeds. (See Trees for more information about sizes.)
  5. Report back to Hassian and let him know that you planted the trees. He then sends you to Chayne.
  6. Learn about the future from Chayne. The future, though bright, is connected with death. Chayne gives you a Remembrance Candle Remembrance Candle for you to pay your respects in the Remembrance Garden and learn from the experience.
  7. Find Chayne and tell him of your experience.
  8. Report to Eshe once you are done learning about the past, the present, and the future.

Dialogue and Mail

Upon speaking to Jina

I wanted to ask about the past.
Oh! Eshe mentioned you might be coming by. I didn't realize it'd be so soon. Um, where did I put the script...
Honestly, I was a little surprised when I was asked to do this. I had my ceremony in Bahari City, after all. But I'll do my best!
So, you might have noticed the ruins in Kilima. In fact, they spread across all of Palia. All of us grow up in the shadow of the past, or so they say.
We believe there's a lot we can learn from their mistakes. Those who ignore the past are doomed to repeat it, after all.
Especially when it comes to Flow. We've outlawed its use in Palian society, and those ruins are why.
If you travel east to Bahari Bay, you'll find a memorial site. I could tell you what to think, but I'd rather hear your conclusions after visiting.

Optional: Follow up with Jina about Flow

What is Flow?
Well, uhm. It's energy, I guess, in the simplest terms. Dangerous, volatile energy.
It's what powered ancient Human civilizations. These days, you'll only run into it in ruins, or at natural wellsprings.

Upon returning to Jina

I visited the ruins.
You did? What did you think?

How do we know it's true?
Exactly! I mean, there are so many varying accounts about the fall of humanity, every scholar has a different theory-
O-oh. Ahem, I mean. Even if we don't know it's true... the Order in the Capital has decided to outlaw it, for everyone's safety.
They won't even let non-Order members study it. Trust me, I've applied for about fifty permits at this point.

Flow is more dangerous than I realized.
That's certainly the conclusion the Order came to. It's why they outlawed all study and use of Flow, except in very controlled environments.
Majiri are taught that Flow caused the end of Humanity, and so only the Order are allowed to use it. I'm told they have to go through decades of training first, too.
Still, I can't help but wonder if there's something we're missing...

Isn't it a little extreme to outlaw all Flow usage?
Well, according to the Order, even a little bit of Flow is enough to cause a disaster. So they restrict it severely.
Trust me, I've applied for about fifty permits at this point, and they *still* won't let me study it. Every time I run into a Flow device in the ruins, I'm supposed to stop the dig and contact the Academy.
And then I'm drowning in red tape. I know it's dangerous, but sometimes it can feel a little *too* stifling.

I'd never make that mistake.
I wonder if that's what the original Humans thought too. No one ever thinks they're about to cause the apocalypse, after all.
I remind myself that every time I go into a new ruin. I don't think the ancient Humans were greedy, or ignorant. I think they just made a mistake- one we could all make.
That's why the Order's outlawed the study and use of Flow, except in very controlled environments.

The Order?
Well, the official name is the United Order of the Palian Republic, but it's a bit of a mouthful, so everyone just calls it the Order.
It's their job to regulate the use of Flow in Palia. And, well, if you break their rules, it's also their job to investigate and enforce punishment.

The Order sounds strict.
They can be a little intimidating. I haven't had to deal with them too much. Usually I just fill out a form, and I get a letter back telling me my requests have been denied.
So, uhm, strict is right.

The Order sounds necessary.
Oh, of course! After all, if no one was making the rules, we might end up just like the ancient Humans! Er, not that I think *you* would-
Any of us could fall to that temptation. It's probably better someone keeps us from making that mistake.

In any case, I think you've more than met the expectations for learning about the past. I'll be sure to let Eshe know!

Upon speaking to Hassian

I wanted to ask about the present.
I am aware. That is the "this" I was referring to.
Go and plant five trees on your plot. Not fruit trees, but wild ones. You will need to source the seeds yourself.
If you can't find any, remember that nature moves in cycles. When a tree is cut, a new one must be born.
What does that have to do with the present?
It wouldn't be a test if I gave you the answers.
Do this and return. Then we'll talk.

Upon returning to Hassian

I planted the trees.

I still don't get it.
To live, we must inherently take. Food, resources, time. Our mere presence is a disruption.
That is why it is so important to give back. To plant a tree for the ones you chop.
Perhaps it will be years before that tree finishes growing. You may never see the fruits of your labor...
But that is not an excuse to put it off. If we do not act now, it will be too late to plant that tree.

And now there are five more trees.
Yes, there are. You have done a good thing. It was through your actions those trees were placed. Not in the future, but in the here and now.
You may never see the fruits of your labor. A strong tree can take a long time to grow. But still, you have done it.
That is our way.

I had to chop other trees to do it...
Yes. That is also part of the cycle. To live, we must inherently take. Food, resources, time. Our mere presence is a disruption.
But you did not simply take. You gave back. You may never see that tree fully grown, but that doesn't matter.
Our actions, in the here and now, matter. Even if we will never see the results.

I understand what you mean.
I expected that you would.
Others might wonder what the point is, planting a tree now that you will never see grow up.
But this is our way. Our actions, in the here and now, matter. Even if we will never see the results.

I will inform Eshe you have done your part.
...You've done well. Don't forget these lessons.

Upon speaking to Chayne

I wanted to ask about the future.
The age old question... with only one answer, I'm afraid.
All paths lead to it, though it need not be the end of your journey.
I'm talking, of course, about death.
An uncomfortable topic, to be sure. And in my time on this lovely earth, I have found it in all living things' natures to avoid that which causes discomfort.
But death is our future, as well as our past. All things exist in the cycle, all loops must close.
Think on this as you go to the Remembrance Garden and pay your respects. Here, you'll want this candle.

Upon returning to Chayne

I visited the garden.
Wonderful. And what did you think?

It was beautiful.
Yes... the garden is where we honor those who have passed. It is a celebration of the lives they lived.
We remember every soul we've laid to rest, and know that when it comes our turn, we will join them across the Veil.

It was bittersweet.
That is the nature of death. It isn't something to fear, nor something to yearn. It simply is.
We remember every soul we've laid to rest. We honor their stories, and know that when it comes our turn, we will join them across the Veil.

It was lonely.
I suppose death might be lonely. None of us can truly know, we can only believe.
But that's why we light the candles. To show them we haven't forgotten.

Sure was quiet.
Yes, I suppose it was.
I know I have asked a lot of you. One isn't often faced with mortality so casually. But I hope you were able to find some peace, all the same.

Thank you, (Player). I will let Eshe know you've completed my task.


Upon returning to Eshe

I have proven my devotion.
I have been informed you have completed your lessons on Palian culture.
Henceforth, it will be your duty to adhere to these values. They affect every decision a Palian makes.



  • Cutting down the planted trees before handing in the quest to Hassian may cause the quest objective to reset.

Upon paying respects at the ruins

Here lies the heart of Humanity, brought to devastation by a hundred thousand hungers. We who remain shall remember: this is the ruin using Flow can bring. To those who gave their lives for this lesson, we thank you. May these mistakes never be repeated.

Update History

Build 0.169:

  • Known issue: The quest is not accurately tracking the amount of Tree Seeds collected.

Build 0.165:

  • Introduced.