Oak Tree

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The Oak Tree is one of the tree types available in Palia.


The Oak Tree can be found all around Kilima Valley or can be obtained on the Housing Plot by planting an Acorn Acorn and watering it.

For more information, see Trees.


The Oak Tree can drop the following items when chopped:

  • Guaranteed:
    • Sapwood Sapwood (the amount dropped depends on the Growth Stage of the tree)
  • Rare drops:

Growth Stages

Clicking on any of the Trees' icons will get you to their respective Growth Stage pages.

Species Sapling Young Tree Adult Tree Mature Tree
Oak Sapling Oak Tree.png Young Oak Tree.png Adult Oak Tree.png Mature Oak Tree.png
Sapling Oak Tree Ingame.png Young Oak Tree Ingame.png Adult Oak Tree Ingame.png Mature Oak Tree Ingame.png
Flow Oak Sapling Flow Oak Tree.png Young Flow Oak Tree.png Adult Flow Oak Tree.png Mature Flow Oak Tree.png
Sapling Flow Oak Tree Ingame.png Young Flow Oak Tree Ingame.png Adult Flow Oak Tree Ingame.png Mature Flow Oak Tree Ingame.png



When planted using a Acorn, the Oak Tree can be used to decorate the Player's Housing Plot.


Oak Trees can be used to gather resources by chopping them down.


Similar Items


Update History

Build 0.180:

  • Oak Amber will now drop at a chance when you chop Oak Trees.

Build 0.178:

  • Tree seed mechanic changed to allow the Player to plant them and grow trees on their housing plot. To that end, previously planted trees were converted to the new grow mechanic.
    • Planted trees are now also movable.