Kilima Courtyard

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A Courtyard is a Housing Add-on that can be bought in the City Hall.

To place Kilima Courtyard, use the menu (default keybinding).

How to Obtain

Courtyards that can be purchased from City Hall.


Like all Housing Add-ons, the price will increase for every Kilima Courtyard purchased.

1st Kilima Courtyard Gold.png 20,000
2nd Kilima Courtyard Gold.png 35,000
3rd Kilima Courtyard Gold.png 40,000
4th Kilima Courtyard Gold.png 55,000
5th Kilima Courtyard Gold.png 70,000
6th Kilima Courtyard Gold.png 90,000
7th Kilima Courtyard Gold.png 110,000


Update History

Build 0.179:

  • Introduced

Build 0.180:

  • Several Buildings have had their cost and build times significantly reduced.
    • Kilima Courtyard build time: 4 hours -> 1 hour, 12 minutes