Item Categories

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Item Categories are used to classify different types of items in Palia. These categories determine how items are sorted into different sections of the Inventory and General Storage. Unless otherwise stated, all items carried by The Player will be sorted into the Backpack section of the Inventory.


Bug is the category used to classify insects and other wildlife that can be captured using the Bug Catching skill.

For more information, see Bugs.


Consumable is the category used to identify items that can be eaten. These items are sorted into the Cooking tab of General Storage.

For more information, see Consumables.


Crafter is the category for functional housing plot items like the Modification Bench and Glass Furnace. These items are sorted into the Equipment tab of the Housing Plot storage.

For more information, see Crafters.


Crop is one of three item categories relating to items cultivated using the Gardening skill. These items are sorted into the Crops tab of the Housing Plot storage.

Related: Fruit and Vegetable

For more information, see Crops.


Decor is the category for furniture and other decorative Housing Plot items. These items do not count towards the Player's storage capacity.

For more information, see Decor.


Equipment is the item category used to define items that can be used but are not for eating. Ammo equipment is sorted into the Ammo Pouch section of the Inventory.

For more information, see Equipment.


Fertilizers are items used on Soil to affect the growth or harvesting of crops when Gardening. These items are sorted into the Crops tab of the Housing Plot storage.

For more information, see Fertilizer.


Fish is the category used to classify the item versions of fish and other underwater creatures that can be caught using the Fishing skill.

For more information, see Fish.


Floor is the category for flooring patterns for the Player's home. These items do not count towards storage capacity, and are sorted into the Decor tab of the Housing Plot storage.

For more information, see Flooring.


Fruit is one of three item categories relating to items cultivated using the Gardening skill. These items are sorted into the Crops tab of the Housing Plot storage.

Related: Crop and Vegetable

For more information, see Fruit.


Gatherables are items that can be acquired using the Foraging skill in Palia. This excludes wood from cutting down trees.

For more information, see Gatherables.


Junk is the category for items that an average Palian would put straight into the trash. While they are not very useful, some villagers will request these items as Weekly Wants. Junk is sorted into the Gatherable tab of the Housing Plot storage.

For more information, see Junk.


Materials are usually ingredients for making other items. They can be mined, harvested, or gathered, and they can be refined.

For more information, see Materials.


Products are items related to Consumables but are not always edible. These items are usually used as ingredients in Cooking, but are sometimes edible items that are made outside of the cooking skill. Products are sorted into the Cooking tab of General Storage.

For more information, see Products.

Quest Item

Quest Items are used only once for a Quest, and cannot be deleted. These items are sorted into the Quest Pouch section of the Inventory and into the Equipment tab of General Storage on the Housing Plot, but do not count towards the Player's storage capacity.

Not sure what your quest item is for? Check the List of Quest Items.


Roof is the category for roofing patterns for the Player's home. These items do not count towards storage capacity, and are sorted into the Decor tab of the Housing Plot storage.

For more information, see Roofing.


Seeds are sometimes collected when felling trees and harvesting crops, but they are usually made using the Seed Collector. These items are sorted into the Crops tab of the Housing Plot storage.

For more information, see Seeds.


Storage is the item category for Storage Chests. These items are sorted into the Equipment tab of the General Storage inventory at the Housing Plot.

For more information, see Storage.


Tool is the category allotted to the equipment the Player uses while playing Palia. These items do not appear in any inventory because they are always equipped by the Player.

For more information, see Tools.


Vegetable is one of three item categories relating to items cultivated using the Gardening skill. These items are sorted into the Crops tab of the Housing Plot storage.

Related: Crop and Fruit

For more information, see Vegetables.


Wallpaper is the category for patterns applied to walls in the Player's home. These items do not count towards storage capacity, and are sorted into the Decor tab of the Housing Plot storage.

For more information, see Wallpaper.